As promised last time, I told you that I was going to walk you through a simple two flavor juice. First you will need to round-up your ingredients for this ...
Hands down the best investment I have ever made in my vaping experience over any mod, was my DIY Kit. It was also the one investment that caused me the most ...
NOTE: For Flavors that are” Not Recommended” or “Use at your own Risk” they may be oil or alcohol based. Oil based flavors tend to separate over time and may wreak havoc on atty’s and is not recommended. Alcohol may irritate some vapers and is use at your own risk.
Personally I have used some of these flavors and they have worked fine, but there are flavors like cinnamon candy flavors that melt tanks and clear cartos. its fine to vape but will tear up your stuff.
This is a list that has been floating around the vaping community for a while it has some great info on it like the ” may have diacetyl” Comment. The recommendations of this list are not my personal recommendations I am no expert, and in hind sight, I should have made that clear. Thanks for the info on the Lorann’s Cola. Its comments like yours. that will enrich the article and help DIY’ers choose flavors wiser.
NOTE: I was notified by a friend that TPA has update “WHITE CHOCOLATE FLAVOR” AS
“contains small amount of “Custard” ingredients, just as an added nuance” SO IT MAY CONTAIN DIACETYL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED.
NOTE: For Flavors that are” Not Recommended” or “Use at your own Risk” they may be oil or alcohol based. Oil based flavors tend to separate over time and may wreak havoc on atty’s and is not recommended. Alcohol may irritate some vapers and is use at your own risk.
Personally I have used some of these flavors and they have worked fine, but there are flavors like cinnamon candy flavors that melt tanks and clear cartos. its fine to vape but will tear up your stuff.
This is a list that has been floating around the vaping community for a while it has some great info on it like the ” may have diacetyl” Comment. The recommendations of this list are not my personal recommendations I am no expert, and in hind sight, I should have made that clear. Thanks for the info on the Lorann’s Cola. Its comments like yours. that will enrich the article and help DIY’ers choose flavors wiser.
NOTE: I was notified by a friend that TPA has update “WHITE CHOCOLATE FLAVOR” AS
“contains small amount of “Custard” ingredients, just as an added nuance” SO IT MAY CONTAIN DIACETYL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED.
Thanks Jeannie, I was inspired by all of the great community Juice Slingers Like you JDvorr and PBdragon, who pointed me in the right direction.