The mini electronic cigarette, look-a-like or better known as a stick style ecig is one of the most used types of electronic cigarettes. Not only does the mini electronic cigarette look like the real thing, but it also feels like the real thing – with its low weight and small size. The ‘mini’ can be a great ecigĀ despiteĀ its short battery life and minimal power output. If you are or were a hardcore smoker of up to a pack a day, its power may not be enough for you.
The short battery life on the other hand can be taken care of if purchased with a Portable Charging Case or better known as “PCC”. The PCC typically holds a much larger battery and in a case that can not only hold your ecig, but it can charge it as well. If you plan on using a mini electronic cigarette, a PCC Kit is the more common and better choice. PCC’s are generally the same size of a cigarette pack, some being larger and of course weighing more, while some others being smaller and around the same size and weight as an iPhone.
Some mini electronic cigarettes are over-priced and aren’t suitable for everyone. While many vapers do enjoy the small sized look-a-like’s, there are much better performing ecigs on the market if you don’t mind the added size.
Here are some pictures of mini electronic cigarettes and portable charging cases.
Check out this review of the Joyetech eRoll