So, you’re new to vaping electronic cigarettes? Great! In this article, I’d like to discuss some of the thoughts or concerns you may be having, as did I. I’ll list the questions and reply with an answer. Hopefully by reading this, it will help you in some way and take away a bit of the worry and questions you may have.
1) Why are my Atomizers/Cartomizers burning with bad taste?
Many times you can ruin a atty or carto by running it dry. Make sure to always keep liquid filled while vaping. You never want to run it dry. It’s been said that you need to refill anytime you feel that you are not getting as much vapor or if the taste isn’t as strong.
2) Why am I not getting as much vapor as normal?
If you notice that you aren’t getting as much vapor, it could be one of the two reasons, although their could be others. One of the reasons for this is you might be over filling your atty/caro with too much liquid. As you gain more experience with electronic cigarettes, you will grasp the concept of when to refill and how much to refill. Another reason you may be getting less vapor than normal could be because you of course need to fill back up with liquid.
3) How long can I keep my battery on charge?
When you place your battery on charge, the light on the charge will be red. The light on the charger will turn green once the battery is fully charged. It is okay to leave the battery on charge even after it turns green. It won’t hurt anything.
4) Can I charge my battery before it starts blinking?
Yes, you can charge the battery at any time. The light does not need to flash before putting it on the charger.
5) Am I vaping too much?
Many report vaping more often than they smoked, however I don’t see anything wrong with vaping more than you smoked. At least you aren’t actually smoking, right? If you feel that you are vaping too much and would like some sense of reasoning, simply drop to a smaller nicotine dosage.
6) What are the side effects to vaping?
There are no real side effects and there hasn’t been any actual case studies on the matter either, however, I haven’t seen any cases of vaping causing any harm or side effects. If you just quit smoking and now are using an electronic cigarette, you may get a case of the ‘dull head’ or feel a bit nauseous. If you are feeling any of these type symptoms, it’s because you aren’t giving your body those chemicals that were in a cigarette. You can look here on GuideToVaping to see what all chemicals are actually in a cigarette. If any problem persists or if you are worried of the problem, I always suggest you take a visit to your local doctor just to be sure.
7) Will a higher MG produce a better throat hit?
The higher the nicotine content, the greater the throat hit. It does not mean you will get more vapor. PG will also help with a better throat hit. VG will have less throat hit, but produce better vapor.
My ecigarette lasts not even 16 hours, the charge is 18mg nicotine, this means I smoke 2 x as much nicotine. Is this supposed to be so?
In term of costs it is too much: almost 2x more than regular cigarettes ( I am speaking of the Starter Kit Wanna Vape).
At this rate it is not healthy nor economical to sNoke !! Maybe Holland is too expensive at 6 euro a package.
Awaiting your answer,
best regards.
6 euro = $8.21
It sounds like you got a stick battery kit that comes with 1 battery, 1 cartridge and maybe a charger. However, I look at that type of kit as something you use to get a feel of how electronic cigarettes work.
E-Cigs are actually a lot cheaper than tobacco cigarettes, no matter where you’re from. If you don’t think e-cigs are healthy, read over some articles here on GuideToVaping. Tobacco cigarettes have more than 4,000 chemicals in them, while e-cigs only contain 4 main ingredients. I’ll tell you straight up, no, they aren’t healthy because they contain nicotine. Nicotine isn’t healthy to use. However, e-cigs are an alternative to smoke – something that is ‘better’ for you than smoking a tobacco cigarette.
If you want to save money, purchase an actual full starter kit. Do your research on this site or click one of the ads you see on this site. It will lead you to a company that has quality products in a full kit. Feel free to ask questions.