Pre built coils from UD: Life savers or laziness is going to focus entirely on the merits of picking up a couple of ready to install coil packs. As vapers we do not think twice about buying coils for tanks, but for some reason you mention ready-made coils for RDA’s and you get funny looks. While I advise everyone to learn how to build their own standard coils, not only for the satisfaction of vaping on something you created with your own hands, but also so you can learn about build safety and make sure you can fix any problems you may come across on the go. With the creation of ever more complicated builds not everyone has the time or the skill to keep up with the latest trend. Youde Technology Co. Ltd, other wise known as UD offer not only coils that you can install straight into your deck, but also pre prepared wire on the roll, it’s almost like they are easing us into the process step by step.
The first coils everyone learns to build, everyone should at least be aware of how to wrap them. Although there are literally thousands of outlets that offer a variety of coils, having a small bag of ready-made coils can save time and energy. Just bear in mind that every time you double up your coils, you are halving the resistance, so when you install 2 of those 0.3 Ω coils you will end up vaping a 0.15. As long as you are mindful of ohm’s law and battery safety there is nothing wrong with installing these coils.
Standard UD Pre Built Micro Coil: GET IT HERE
Twisted Coils
The next step up from the standard single coil, the twisted is slightly more complicated as gauging the correct resistance can be a game of hit and miss. The fact that they have the ability to create a consistent twist allows the user to be confident in its use. My biggest problem with twisting my own wire was getting the resistance the same along the entire length of the wire, which could potentially make the coils uneven. No more guessing games as you can buy them ready-made and ready to install.
UD Pre Built Twisted Micro Coil: GET IT HERE
The basis of every complicated build, while everyone should become an expert in the rolling of Clapton wire, in the real world most of us will leave it to the experts. Whether that means a trip to the local vape shop to have someone make them for us or finding them on the internet, most people just don’t have the patience. Why would I spend an hour trying to get the perfect Clapton when I know that they are out there just waiting to be bought and brought to life.
UD Clapton Wire Spool: GET IT HERE
Vapor Grudge Clapton Wire: GET IT HERE (Alternative)
On The Roll
If you do not wish to be restricted by the resistances that you are offered in these packs, fear not. The exact same wire that is used to make these coils can be purchased on the roll and the only thing you will have to decide is, how many wraps you will need. Offered in a wide variety of wire sizes, from 26 gauge dual twisted to 30 gauge quads, you can find out what vapes best for you without spending a fortune on wire.
UD Twisted Roll Coils: GET IT HERE
Final Thoughts
While many of us are more than capable of throwing coils together in a few seconds, there are a great many people who struggle. Whether it is because of something as simple as a time factor or something as serious as arthritis in the hands, pre made coils are a life saver to many. Give the pre built coils a try as you may come across something you may not have thought to build for yourself. There is no shame in using coils made by someone else, it is something that happens a lot more than other people would have you know.
As always, enjoy your vaporizer and vape safe!