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Rebuildable Atomizer Tool

West Coast Vape Supply

While browsing the Sub-Reddit’s for vaping, I came across a post that directed to a rebuildable atomizer tool, and I thought it was worth sharing in our rebuildable’s section here at Guide To Vaping.

This site is super basic, but uses some advanced calculations to help you with Ohm’s, Coil Wrapping, Battery Drain and E-Liquid. For example, you’ll input the size of your wire, the type, the specific setup and your target resistance and it’ll display how many wraps you will need to do to achieve that resistance. It’s a pretty nifty and helpful little online tool for those of you who rebuild.

Find the tool here:

Blake Brown
Blake Brown

Blake is the owner and creator of the Guide To Vaping blog. He has expressed his passion for the vaping industry through his deeply rooted and highly informative content. Being a writer and content provider for the vaping industry for year's, Blake has also gained experience from working with multiple blogs and well respected companies.

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