Our friends at Vape-Ejuice has shared an exciting deal with us that will give Guide To Vaping viewers 33% OFF throughout the entire store. Use the coupon code “33” to save yourself some money when buying products like ejuice, the suorin drop, and vape apparel. On top of its already low prices, you’ll find yourself snagging products with pricing far below the average retail price with this 33% off limited time deal!
[mks_button size=”large” title=”GET 33% OFF AT VAPE-EJUICE.COM HERE” style=”squared” url=”http://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1126952&u=821755&m=76753&urllink=vape%2Dejuice%2Ecom%2Fcollections&afftrack=ash%2Dve” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]
- Coupon Code: 33
- Good Thru: 2/20/18-3/31/18
For those of you who aren’t aware of this store, Vape-Ejuice.com is an online retailer that offers some of the best ejuice products on the market below retail prices. Experience ejuice flavors from brands like Savage E-Liquid, Ripe Collection Ejuice, BLVK Unicorn, Ethos, Candy King, and many more!
33 code doesn’t work.
Larry, I just spoke with a representative from Vape-Ejuice and I was told the 33% off code is product specific, which I wasn’t informed of until now. It’s a deal for Strawfetti lemon fun, cool melons, and blue icy pop. I apologize for the inconvenience.