Grab this deal up and get a 60ML bottle of Apple Caramel Drop Ejuice for just $8.00! This is a super crazy low price for e-liquid, so save yourself some money and get a delicious e-liquid flavor while you’re at it!
The Apple Caramel Drop flavor is manufactured by Ruthless Ejuice, delivering a premium e-liquid flavor without the premium price that usually follows it. This flavor offers that sweet and puckery lollipop flavor that you’ll absolutely love, except now you can vape it. Experience a tangy apple pop that’s been glazed with a layer of rich artisan caramel. If anything, try it, you’re only shelling out a whopping eight bucks!
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”GET YOUR 60ML BOTTLE OF APPLE CARAMEL DROP EJUICE HERE” style=”squared” url=”″ target=”_blank” bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-share” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]