Summertime is my favorite time of the year. Pool parties, barbecues, and a golden tan are perfect things for a vape writer to enjoy, but they are all enemies to e-liquid. As the days get longer there are a few things vapers may want to consider to protect their e-liquid.
E-Liquid And Sunshine Don’t Mix
Everybody loves to buy high VG e-liquid for better cloud production, but leaving your bottle in direct sunlight may have harmful effects on its contents. The e-liquid can become runny, as even though it doesn’t start to evaporate until it reaches temperatures around 300°F, the contents may become unstable at just over 100°F. The e-liquid can become runny, the flavors may become distorted, and the potency of the nicotine in the bottle could be destroyed as it breaks down. UV glass only helps protect your favorite flavor from sunlight, not its heat. Don’t sit the bottle by the grill or poolside where it can get a tan.
Mailboxes And Vehicles Are Enemies of E-Liquid
Ultra violet rays are harmful to your e-liquid, but one thing that is even worse is leaving it in a solar oven. While the temperature outside is as low as 80°F in the open air, your vehicle or vape mail could be cooking at around 120. Leaving e-liquid in enclosed spaces, being pounded with heat that can’t escape is as sane as walking into the house and putting the stuff in the microwave for 10 minutes.
If you’ve been away from your vehicle for a couple of hours, just imagine climbing in and picking up that juice bottle. The contents may not be hot enough to burn you, but when you take off the cap expecting viscous, creamy, high VG goodness, you are more than likely going to be met with a bottle of runny goop. If you don’t mind wearing e-liquid and having your car seats smell like over powering lucky charms for the next 6 months, go ahead and open it, but it wont be easy to get it out of the cloth. Although there is a plus side to this point, you could use this as a replacement for buying air fresheners.
Keeping Your E-Liquid Safe In The Summer
The best way to protect your e-liquid is to keep it in a cool, dry place. If it’s in the house, keep it away from windows as much as possible. The place you store your dry pasta is probably the best place in the house, no-one ever stores pasta in warm or damp conditions. While you’re on the road, consider using a thermal shielded bag of some description. A small cooler or insulated case would be ideal, just make sure that when you get out of the vehicle, the bottles go with you.
Take these as words of wisdom and experience as, in the past, I have been as guilty of everyone else when it comes to leaving e-liquid bottles laying in hot places. Pouring hot contents on car seats is not just a hypothetical at our house, it’s happened more than once in the last 3 years.
How about truck drivers ? What can we do with our e juice in summer ? Can it be kept in the fridge ?(not freezer).