Klaus Kneal Wrote:
There’s a lot of needless legislation being implemented where electronic cigarettes are concerned. A lot of cities and states are wasting time banning sale of e-cigs to minors despite it already being illegal in all 50 states. Miami-Dade County in Southern Florida has struck a much more concerning note for electronic cigarette users — banning flavored smokeless tobacco product sales to anyone.
The proposal would make it illegal in the Miami-Dade area to sell any flavored smokeless tobacco product except those using mental, wintergreen, or mint flavor. This echos a concern Murray Kessler, CEO of Lorillard, raised in an interview with us. He said that a big concern with electronic cigarettes was that local legislators might push through needlessly strict regulations before the FDA got the industry under control.
The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is calling for members and supporters in the area to attend a hearing with the Public Safety & Healthcare Administration Committee scheduled for 9:30am on July 10. They hope members can sway the tide with arguments and testimonials in support of flavored smokeless tobacco products.
Source: http://www.ecigadvanced.com/blog/miami-dade-county-looks-to-ban-flavored-smokeless-tobacco-products/