A few vape stores are having sales for the summer and to celebrate Fathers Day. With that said, here’s a list of a few of them that I’ve noticed. I wish I could have prepared for this better and found more sales, but it was a last-minute type thing. Anyhow, enjoy!
Store: VaporShark
Discount: 15%
Store: VaporCube
Discount: Buy Any 2 Bottles, Get The 3rd Bottle FREE
Coupon: JuicyJune3for2
Store: Vapor Beast
Discount: 15%
Coupon: FORDAD
Store: Volcano Ecigs
Discount: Up to 50% off
Coupon: N/A
Store: ProVape
Discount: 25% off E-Liquids
Coupon: SUMMER25
Store: Aqua Vapor Cig
Discount: 25% off & free shipping till Tues. 6/23
Coupon: dad
Store: Ecig.com
Discount: 25% off everything this weekend
Coupon: DADDY
Store: Ecig Charleston
Discount: 20% off everything
Coupon: DAD
Store: Jwraps
Discount: 25% off on their Wraps
Coupon: father25
Discount: 12% off of their vape stands
Coupon: father12
Store: The Vapor Room
Discount: 15% off and free shipping. Includes their weekly and weekender juice deals.
Coupon: fathersday15
Coupon Code FORDAD at Vapor Beast is not valid.
Try it with lowercase text, it worked for me.
The vapor room – fathersday15 for 15% off and free shipping. Includes their weekly and weekender juice deals.
Thanks for the share!!
aquavaporcig – 25% off & free shipping till Tues. 6/23 with coupon code ” dad”.
Also, ecig .com – 25% off everything this weekend with coupon code ” DADDY”.
Plus, ecigcharleston – 20% off everything with coupon code “DAD”.
And, jwraps – 25% off on their Wraps with code “father25”
and 12% off of their VAPE Stands with code “father12”.
Thank you for sharing!!! Hmm… I may need to jump on some jwraps!