Recently I received a nice package from of various e-liquid flavors. Let me start off by saying, the theme has going is awesome. If you’ve read my past reviews, you’ll know that I’m really into the packaging of bottles, the themes around the e-liquid and of course, how they taste. The theme of the PBDragon eliquid is what looks to be based on like a Japanese type thing. They have names like Flaming Pearl, Laughing Buddha, Grass Hoppa etc. – Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s the thought I get from it, anyways… I like it.
Out of the many flavors I was sent, I was told by Jeannie K. to try the Flaming Pearl first. When viewing the description for Flaming Pearl on the website, it says “One our most popular flavors! A subtle bend of juicy ripe peach and sparkling champagne. We won’t name any names but we need tanker truck size bottles for Jeannie K.’s orders of this stuff!”. – After vaping the flaming pearl for a few days now, this is possibly the closest flavor I have found to resemble my all day vape. Different, but definitely in the same area. I can tell the flavors were well mixed to create a nice and subtle blend for a relaxed and fruitful vape. The champagne seems a bit more dominant than the peach, but you can for sure taste the hint of peach, which gives it a great fruity taste.
From vaping this Flaming Pearl, I’ve noticed at higher voltages that it gives off this gritty feeling in my mouth and more so on my tongue. I think it may be due to the nicotine possibly, but at lower voltages or with using my Smoov eCig, the flavor is perfect, no gritty feeling and a very smooth vape. The vapor production is good on both my Smoov E-Cig and my LavaTube, which sits at 4.5v. I’m not sure of the PG/VG ratio, but it seems like a 50/50 mix.
Overall: The Flaming Pearl E-Liquid has a very well put together flavor. I can very much so see it being an all day vape for me. I’m pretty stoked on this flavor because it has one of my favorite flavors, which is peach and it has a flavor that I’ve never really been into, which would be champagne. A perfect blend of them both for me to highly recommend the Flaming Pearl E-Liquid. If you want a nice smooth and fruitful vape, I highly recommend you trying Flaming Pearl E-Liquid from