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Guide To Vaping’s 10 Most Favored Flavors 2013

West Coast Vape Supply

Throughout my time here on GuideToVaping, I’ve thankfully had the opportunity to try a mountain of e-liquid flavors. Though some didn’t agree with my particular taste, there have been plenty that were my most favorite. In fact, many of the e-liquid reviews you see here on GuideToVaping, after I tried the flavors, I’ve become a long time customer of them.

Since I’m asked pretty often what my favorite flavors are, here’s a list of my 10 most favored e-liquid flavors in 2013. (In no particular order)

Tip: I want all of you to understand that I enjoy these particular flavors for long periods of time because I rotate them frequently.
Tip: Just because I like these flavors, doesn’t mean you will. I tend to enjoy fruit, candy and beverage flavors the most.

  1. Rip Tide – This has a candy taste, much like a jolly rancher. It comes with just a dab of menthol, which makes it perfect.
  2. Pink Spot – Only offering you hints of multiple flavors, it’s hard to pin-point flavors. It’s unique and very good.
  3. Summer Detox – This flavor is confusing. One minute I think it’s one thing, another time I think it’s something else. Confusing, but delicious.
  4. Abyss – Many flavors to confuse you, but a grape flavor stuck out the most. Nom Nom!
  5. Raspberry Banana – This mix of raspberry and banana is perfect. This is the best banana flavor I’ve vaped.
  6. Pearalyzing Peach – This flavor was released as a “GuideToVaping Exclusive” just because I could not keep my hands off of it.
  7. Vape The Rainbow – Best way to describe this flavor is… Skittles.
  8. Blackberry Lemonade – The name describes itself, but it’s just one of those flavors you’ll have to try.
  9. Cherry Limeade – Sweet, but sour… it’s one of those flavors again that you’ll just have to try for yourself.
  10. Blue Water Punch – Easiest to describe, it tastes exactly like blue punch.

Click the name to see the review on these flavors.


Blake Brown
Blake Brown

Blake is the owner and creator of the Guide To Vaping blog. He has expressed his passion for the vaping industry through his deeply rooted and highly informative content. Being a writer and content provider for the vaping industry for year's, Blake has also gained experience from working with multiple blogs and well respected companies.

1 Comment
  1. first thanks for the info. just started vaping 3 weeks ago,,,quit smoking right off the bat.I’m worried,some people say that usp doesn’t mean vg, i,m using Life Brand glycol some say it,s safe ohers say it,s not safe. I’d greatly apreciate if you could tell me if this is v/g or not..Thanks..I love vaping but don’t want to get sick..Heard that animal fat stays in your lungs.

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