Marijuana has been an illegal drug for decades. However, the realization that the drug can be used medically is slowly changing the notions surrounding cannabis. Today most countries have legalized the use of marijuana both for medicinal purposes and for recreation. Other countries still hold that marijuana is an illegal drug. So far, there’s some research that proves that cannabis has some medicinal elements.
Organic compounds like cannabinoids are responsible for the medical benefits of marijuana. However, more research needs to be done on the benefits of using cannabis as medicine. Hemp also has cannabidiols, and thus physicians must prescribe medical marijuana to you. Wondering whether cannabis can be used for treatment? Read on to find the answers to the question; how is cannabis used in medicine and what are its benefits:
As a Pain Reliever
The cannabinoids in marijuana make the drug suitable for pain management. These compounds alter the pain perception pathways in the human brain and the individual feels relieved. Likewise, there are different types of cannabis plants from which medics should extract these cannabidiols. The cannabis Sativa hybrids and cannabis Indica have these pain management strains of cannabidiols. However, the medics prefer Indica strains more for sedation, pain management, and sleep. The Sativa strains have better effects on energy and boosting one’s mood.
This does not mean that you can simply walk to a center and purchase cannabis. Medics must prescribe the drug for you. Different states also have specific governing rules which you must adhere to when using cannabis for medicinal purposes. For example, the state of Florida requires its residents to seek some approvals from the state before using cannabis. Therefore, if you live in Florida and would want more information on how to use marijuana for medical purposes, you must have a qualifying condition. You must also be an adult or have parental consent.
A medical expert should assess you for suitability to use medical marijuana and prescribe the required dosage. You can qualify for the treatment if you have spasticity, neuropathy, and non-migraine headaches. Some patients with HIV, Aids, cancers, arthritis, joint pains, and multiple sclerosis also qualify to use medical cannabis. Medics can also recommend medical marijuana for different conditions other than the above. However, the benefits of using the drug must outweigh the disadvantages at any time.
The THC compound in cannabis also makes the drug suitable for use medically. The compound resembles the CBD chemical compounds which naturally occur in the human body. When people inhale or ingest these compounds, the THC stimulates the cannabinoid receptor cells in the brain. As a result, the receptors reward the brain and the pain reduces. You must take THC in reasonable amounts as it has a high effect.
To Reduce Inflammation
The correct amounts of CBD and THC have anti-inflammatory effects. Doctors can recommend the use of cannabis for managing Crohn’s disease. When you have irritable bowel syndrome, some medics can also advise you to use cannabis. The drug has also shown some positive effects in managing rheumatoid arthritis. Remember, some inflammations cause some pain. Taking medical cannabis can both shrink the inflammation and relieve your pain.
To Treat Neurological and Mental Disorders
Cannabis has direct effects on the limbic system. Consequently, doctors often recommend cannabis to treat epilepsy, anxiety, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. Some doctors can also prescribe medical cannabis to you if you’re suffering from Tourette syndrome, post-traumatic disorders, and when you have sleep issues. Marijuana has some relaxing effects which can help you overcome sleep disorders. Similarly, you can enjoy sleeping when you are not struggling with too much pain. Medical marijuana also helps with pain reduction.
To Manage Eating Disorders
Medical marijuana is also effective in restoring lost appetite. The drug can help you manage glaucoma and other eating disorders like anorexia. Medical cannabis can help you overcome nausea and help you recover from seizures and wasting syndrome. Likewise, doctors can administer cannabis to their patients during chemotherapy sessions. This can both reduce pain and reduce the chances of the patents nauseating or vomiting. The cannabinoids in marijuana mimic the chemicals in the human body that regulate pain, movement, appetite, and memory.
Medical marijuana is a controversial aspect that continues to attract many legal hurdles. However, researchers continue to test the benefits of medical cannabis. So far there are many positive reasons for using medical cannabis. The drug can help kill cancerous cells and slow down the growth of tumors.
The drug also helps boost appetite and reduce nausea. Some medics recommend medical marijuana for pain management and the treatment of certain mental and neurological disorders. Medical marijuana can also alleviate inflammation. Ensure you speak to a certified doctor that handles medical marijuana before you take it.