Today, we’ll be looking at the Wismec Theorem RTA (Rebuildable Tank Atomizer). We should technically call it a Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizer, because in truth that is what it is, but the man behind the mask Jaybo himself dislikes the term. To him it is a hybrid tank, paying homage to the old Genesis style with a much more modern twist. For now, we are going to be taking a close look at the innovations behind this system, find out where the inspiration came from, and see how a brand new design of coil works perfectly with the design. While you guys are waiting for the review, at least you can find out why everyone is going crazy for this thing.
Who Designed It
As I already mentioned, this beast was designed by Jaybo, building on an idea, inspiration, and collaboration with Matt from Suck My Mod. They were looking for a top-fill tank hybrid that could knock the competition out of the water using a few simple tricks to improve our vaping experience. Jaybo and Wismec appear to have enveloped the vaping industry with innovation after amazing design.
Without sounding like a crazy fan boy, I would honestly say that Jaybo is currently proving himself the Da Vinci of the modern age, at least as far as our technology goes. Every time I hear of a new product coming through the pipe, I actually find myself getting excited to see what it is.
The Tank
The Theorem is a marriage between functionality and aesthetic pleasure. Standing 46.25 mm high and measuring 22 mm in diameter with a capacity of 2 ml of e-liquid, this is not exactly a tank you can vape all day without having to refill. However, the innovative top-fill system allows you to top up in seconds without fear of leakage.
As it happens, one of the main design aspects of this tank is the fact that it does not leak. The airflow is in the top cap, the bottom of the tank is sealed and unless you manage to pull the glass or stainless steel sleeve off the outside at some point during the day.
The tank can be used with either single or dual coils, the airflow can be adjusted accordingly by changing out the airflow control rings. More importantly, when running in single coil mode you can introduce a PEAK Chamber reducer that works as a juice well stopper in combination with airflow direction control. It is designed to pull air from the cap and put it directly behind the coil where it is needed.
You have the option of using the Glass tube provided with the tank or the stainless steel lined glass sleeve, depending on your mood. This thing is just full of options. One major option with any Rebuildable Tank Atomizer is the coil system you put inside. The deck is set up with a T-bar positive post to allow the dual coils you wish to build, but in true collaborative fashion, Wismec has teamed up with Joyetech to get the notch coil put into this system.
Imagine all of the flavor strengths of the Clapton coil system, with a fraction of the ramp up time. When you have the image in your mind, the result will probably look like this super thin stainless steel tube.
Wismec Theorem RTA: GET IT HERE