Everyone knows the TFV Series of tanks by SMOK are performance monsters, but this new TFV12 Cloud Beast King Tank opens up a whole new world of sub-ohm tank performance, as it features a Performance-Grade V12 Structure that has 12 coils inside the coil head, all placed vertically, making it capable of supporting up to 350 watts, while its optimal range is between 130 to 200 watts. It has a 27mm diameter, a 6mL capacity, it’s constructed of stainless steel, has a top fill rotary design with a hinge lock, a massive dual adjustable airflow control base, and includes a ultra-wide drip tip. Furthermore, it includes the 0.15Ω V12-X4 Quadruple Coil (100-170w), and the 0.15Ω V12-Q4 Quadruple Coil (90-160w). Meet super charged vaping!
[mks_button size=”medium” title=”GET THE SMOK TFV12 TANK HERE” style=”squared” url=”https://vapesourcing.com/smok-tfv12-cloud-beast-king-tank.html?acc=ad61ab143223efbc24c7d2583be69251″ target=”_blank” bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-share” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”1″]
Take advantage of this deal and get the new TFV12 Cloud Beast King Tank for just $32.90, giving you 40% off the original retail price, and saving you $16.10!