Top 4 mods that will match your outfit – an article as subjective as the tastes of the people reading it. Dependent entirely on the type of person you are as a fashionista. With hundreds of different companies creating mods, many are now offering multiple products in multiple colors, your choices are endless. We can buy j-wraps to make mods look however we want now, so rather than going with the obvious here, and with October rapidly approaching, let’s be festive.
1. Joyetech eVic VT Kit
Let’s Go Star Wars: First one the list, because every time I see it I think C3PO, R2D2 and Darth Vader. The next generation of mod, this starter kit comes with a matching 5000mAh base unit and an eGo One Mega Tank. While at 60 watts it may not have the “force” that cloud chasers are looking for, it is certainly an all day vape for the next Star Wars convention. Adjustable wattage at the twist of the control knob, going from 1-60 watts quickly and easily. It also works in temperature control with nickel and titanium wire. You get everything you need with one purchase, except e-liquid. In addition, device can also play as that sleek and sporty look, being that it was designed based on an Italian sports car – hence the racing stripes down the middle of the device.
Joyetech eVic VT Full Kit: GET IT HERE
2. Kanger Subox Nano Kit
Totally 80’s Colors: When I think 1989, I think powder pink, jet black and pastel purple. I think of grown women going back to their roots with big hair and lots of eye make up at Halloween parties. It would look perfect next to a “Choose Life” t-shirt and pastel tutu… tell me I am wrong! Another low powered offering, only 50 watts, but delivers a sleek and very compact design that lends it perfectly to a discreet vaping experience – not taking up much room in that clutch, which is already filled bursting with hairspray and mascara. It comes, once again as a complete kit, the Kanger SubTank Nano holds 3mL of e-liquid to get you through the party.
Kanger Subox Nano Kit: GET IT HERE
3. Innokin Cool Fire II
Stand Down Soldier: Every Halloween I see at least one John Rambo at a party, maybe the occasional navy seal (if they haven’t done a great job at blending into their environment), but what service man wouldn’t be complete without a hand grenade? The only time I would advise this one is for a party, with people you know and NEVER on a plane. What they were thinking when this was designed we have no idea, but it is fun if you are twisted. The twist ring around the neck of the grenade will take you from 7-12.5 watts, but for those who chose low powered devices, it works. Remember, we are going to a party, not a cloud competition.
Innokin Cool Fire II: GET IT HERE
4. Smok XCube 2
Sleek and Stylish: 007 is never outdated and always seems to have the great gadgets on hand. Always understated, but making a statement with elegance. I can imagine James Bond getting out of his Aston Martin and pulling out the zinc alloy version and hitting it at 160 watts, it is a power house that can easily handle what ever you throw on it down to 0.08Ω. When you factor in the temperature control and Bluetooth application, this mod is a force to be reckoned with. Combine that and the fact that the RGB LED can be set to anyone of 16 million different colors, this mod will match your outfit – be it black tie or riviera water wear.
Smok XCube 2: GET IT HERE
Final Thoughts
For the rest of us lowly mortals, as previously mentioned, there are j-wraps for a variety of different mods, themed from your favorite football team to blood curdling Halloween motifs. Have fun matching your mods, and let us know of any we may have missed.
As always, enjoy your vaporizer and vape safe!