Are we ready for the Swiss army knife of vaping? Aspire believes we are, and instead of releasing a tank, a dripper, a squonker, and rebuildable tank separately, they’ve put it all into one compact package and called it The Quad-Flex. The Quad-Flex is a game changer and while this concept may not appeal to everyone, there are a great number of vapers who could benefit from this system, especially new vapers who have no idea which direction they want their vaping journey to take. Instead of shelling out for different systems which they may not ultimately enjoy, the Quad Flex gives them an all in one option to figure the way forward. Let’s take a quick look at what Aspire are putting on the table with this one.
Tearing Into The Survival Kit
With the Quad-Flex, Aspire has taken the atomizer rule book and thrown it into the trash. Where other companies have focused on one specific aspect of the vaping experience the company has tried to release a system that is appreciated by everyone whether they are epic builders or low volume vapers.
With 4 different configurations:
- Quad-Flex RDTA
- Quad-Flex RDA
- Quad-Flex Squonker
- Nautilus X
Aspire seems to have covered all the bases. Starting with the latest in the Nautilus line, a 2ml top airflow tank designed for high resistance low volume vapers who are in it for the flavor. The Nautilus X 1.8Ω coils (rated for 12 to 16 watts) will not produce the biggest clouds in the neighborhood, but with the other options this system offers Aspire doesn’t need 50 different coil systems to choose from. If you’re looking for the convenience of a tank with the airflow and power of a dripper however, the next adaptation is guaranteed to grab your attention.
Remove the coil, put the adapter in the base and a rebuildable deck on the top, you have just transformed the Nautilus X into the Quad-Flex RDTA system. Still taking advantage of the 2 ml e-liquid capacity offered in the Nautilus, you now have the freedom of a velocity style deck to install which ever coils you can imagine. Pre-installed with Clapton coils and a wide-bore Delrin Chuff cap, as an RDTA this has the potential to be a cloud-chasers dream. Adjustable airflow, generous e-liquid channels and the ability to fill the reservoir from the top makes life slightly easier than using just the tank or RDA portions by themselves and brings the Quad-Flex into the same league as some of the most advanced atomizers on the market.
If you don’t feel like taking advantage of the spacious tank section, it is simple enough to change out the base and be left with a traditional Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer. The Quad-Flex is a true transformer, every aspect is as simple as adding or removing a couple of components to completely different vaping experience. Last but not least, changing out the 510 positive for the capillary screw and exchanging the cap for the top airflow section makes the RDA base compatible with the squonker boxes on the market.
It seems as though Aspire has managed to come up with an all round system, but time will tell us how well it performs. If the Quad-Flex lives up to the quality craftsmanship and design of earlier offerings from the company, they may be on to a winner.