Time is running out to send your comments to your representatives (Dec. 8th). The FDA wants to close down all Internet sales of ecigs to save the kids. Do kids ...
This is a hard article to write. I didn't want to speak for everyone that I've met that quit smoking by using ecigs. An article with multiple opinions and ...
I have JD Vorr here, I call him the king of e-juice DIY. A lot of people DIY, and make great juice. I think the reason I think of JD as the "King of DIY" is ...
I had a chance to see and use an interesting PV while at Vapercon 2011. This PV was named the Zenesis, and built around the atomizer known on the forums as ...
This was sent to the CASAA newsletter subscribers. We at Guide To Vaping fully support CASAA, and hope you will too.
CASAA appreciates your continued ...
I'm trying Texas Select Vapor's "Oatmeal Cookie" (18mg).
3 drips on a LR dual coil atty, running on an ego passthrough.
Thought 1: I can taste oatmeal ...
My first step is going to be ordering of the parts. I can’t afford a Zenesis, but the parts for the Genesis should be do-able. Anyone else plan on building one?
Ole wasn’t awake when I did the interview- otherwise I would’ve had a few questions for him too. …You’ll have to get your Ole fix on the show I guess Jeannie.
I did try more of the Oatmeal Cookie. It is quite tasty. Again, I apologize if the review seemed lacking. It really does taste like oatmeal cookie, and if you are looking for that flavor- Texas Select Vapor nailed it.
Awesome J! The cherrywood and maplewood are both good also IMO, but those are my all day vapes. The maplewood has a bit more TH IMO. People really seem to like that applewood, but the other two got my love. OH- and I had the same issue with no vapor, but it was only the first couple of times trying to vape it. It suddenly started working very well. I still don’t have an explanation for this- but that was over 10 months ago and I still vape vermillion river all day.
In a July 22 news release, the FDA cited the detectable presence of carcinogens and “toxic chemicals” in a “small sample” of electronic cigarette cartridges as reason for alarm, singling out nitrosamines as particularly toxic. What the FDA fails to inform the public is that detectable amounts of carcinogens are also present in nicotine replacement products such as NicoDerm CQ and Nicorette gum, both approved by the FDA, and nitrosamines that can be also found in food items such bacon and beer. This double standard and alarmist attitude has had the significant and unfortunate effect of inducing hysteria among the public, discouraging tobacco smokers from using a product which is thought to be a significantly safer alternative to traditional tobacco.
Regrettably, the FDA has used biased reporting of this small and inconclusive study, the complete results of which have not been made public, to secure the vocal support of groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium, the Institute for Global Health, and the American Lung Association in their attack on electronic cigarettes. These researchers argue that it is absurd to consider taking electronic cigarettes off the market when it is the conventional ones which have been shown to be killing people. Further, the electronic cigarette community calls for accurate and fair reporting relative to the findings and statements of prominent medical professionals in favor of this new and important technology and challenges the media to tell the other side of the story.
“The FDA’s laboratory findings actually indicate that electronic cigarettes are much, much safer than conventional cigarettes,” says Dr. Michael Siegel. “The traces of carcinogens present are also present in nicotine replacement products. The FDA and the anti-smoking groups have fallen into a huge analytical trap as they have failed to ask the appropriate question. The question they are asking is: ‘Are electronic cigarettes safe?’ That is not the right question. The right question is: ‘Are electronic cigarettes much safer than traditional ones?'”
Dr. Rodu states, “The FDA tested e-cigarettes for TSNAs using a questionable sampling regimen, and the methods that were so sensitive that the results may have no possible significance to users. The agency failed to report specific levels of these contaminants, and it has failed to conduct similar testing of nicotine medicines that have been sold in the U.S. for over 20 years. These are not the actions of an agency that is science-based and consumer-focused. These pseudo-scientific actions are clearly intended to form the justification for banning a category of products that are probably 99.9% safer than cigarettes.”
* *
1st Winner: Bombshell package- Over $200 in prizes here with the awesome bombshell kit.
1x Bombshell Mod Kit (HotVapes.com)
1x $25 Gift Certificate (PBDragon.com)
1x 35ml Bottle of E-Liquid (HotVapes.com)
1x $20 Gift Certificate (CarolinaVapes.com)
1x $50 Gift Certificate (EminentVapor.com)
* *
2nd Winner: 80ml juice, 10 attys, $25 at pbdragon.com- more juice
1x $25 Gift Certificate (PBDragon.com)
5x Regular 510 Atomizer (AbsolutelyEcigs.com)
5x LR 510 Atomizer (AbsolutelyEcigs.com)
6x 5ml Bottles of E-Liquid (TexasSelectVapor.com)
5x 10ml Bottles of E-Liquid (JooglerJuice.com)
* *
3rd Winner: 80ml juice and 10 attys and 3 cartos
5x 10ml Bottles of E-Liquid (JooglerJuice.com)
5x Regular 510 Atomizer (AbsolutelyEcigs.com)
5x LR 510 Atomizer (AbsolutelyEcigs.com)
3x 10ml Bottles of E-Liquid (AtomicVapors.com)
3x LR SmokTech Cartomizers (AtomicVapors.com)
* *
4th Winner: Pinkspot juice! $50 worth.
1x $50 Gift Certificate (PinkSpotVapors.com)
Vaping Turtle
* *
5th Winner: More Pinkspot!
1x $50 Gift Certificate (PinkSpotVapors.com)
* *
6th Winner: This is some one of a kind awesomeness. $50 at Markspens.com. While you can’t buy a Marks Mod- you can still have Marks wood in the form of a pen.
1x $50 Gift Certificate (MarksPens.com)
From cancure.org, an old- but relevant article….
FDA advisers tied to industry
An article by Dennis Cauchon, the USA TODAY Newspaper
Sept. 25, 2000
According to a USA Today study, more than half of the experts hired to advise the government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine have financial relationships with the pharmaceutical companies that will be helped or hurt by their decisions. These experts are hired to advise the Food and Drug Administration on which medicines should be approved for sale, what the warning labels should say and how studies of drugs should be designed. The experts are supposed to be independent, but USA TODAY found that 54% of the time, they have a direct financial interest in the drug or topic they are asked to evaluate. These conflicts include helping a pharmaceutical company develop a medicine, then serving on an FDA advisory committee that judges the drug.
The conflicts typically include stock ownership, consulting fees or research grants.
Federal law generally prohibits the FDA from using experts with financial conflicts of interest, but according to the article, the FDA has waived the restriction more than 800 times since 1998.
These pharmaceutical experts, about 300 on 18 advisory committees, make decisions that affect the health of millions of Americans and billions of dollars in drugs sales. With few exceptions, the FDA follows the committees’ advice.
The FDA reveals when financial conflicts exist, but it has kept details secret since 1992, so it is not possible to determine the amount of money or the drug company involved.
A USA Today analysis of financial conflicts at 159 FDA advisory committee meetings from Jan. 1, 1998, through last June 30 found:
At 92% of the meetings, at least one member had a financial conflict of interest.
At 55% of meetings, half or more of the FDA advisers had conflicts of interest.
Conflicts were most frequent at the 57 meetings when broader issues were discussed: 92% of members had conflicts.
At the 102 meetings dealing with the fate of a specific drug, 33% of the experts had a financial conflict.
Just this month I’ve heard of a few vendors getting nicotine, 4k bottles of juice and even hardware containing no nicotine stopped at customs and even sent back. I know of at least 1 vendor that does have the tobacco license- but it still happens everyday. I guess the FDA is above our judicial system when they get to proceed while ignoring this ruling. Am I missing something?
RE: The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington said today the FDA can only regulate e-cigarettes as a tobacco product. The ruling means the government can oversee the marketing of the products, not restrict their sale.
Good points! I have to say that I never liked a carto until I put the right volts behind it with a tank feeding it. While I prefer the atty, cartos perform well on the right device. Since attys and cartos are disposable, it’s easy to try them all and find your sweet spot. Vapor can often be increased by the “method” too- it just depends on how long you want it to take to get there.
Clarification: I just tested, and I do NOT have the LR as I thought. It is 2.8Ω. That is definitely one reason I didn’t like it. I do feel that since it’s not LR, the flavor should’ve been better in the least. I “might” try an LR just to see if I can give it a better review
American or Korean cigarettes? I’m actually shocked at the low amount of chemicals found in analog smoke. I wonder if the study was with a typical brand that we use in the US, as I’m aware that their are around 4,000 chemicals and additives that are allowed in cigarettes in the US.
Thanks for the comments. I understand that a lot of vapers are liking these things. I actually gave one of these to my brother, who uses CE2s exclusively. He told me I could have it back. They certainly aren’t for everyone, maybe I did get a couple duds, but my viewpoint hasn’t changed. I just tried the Vision/Stardust again (same one) and have the same complaints. Muted flavor, a scratchy burning in my sinuses from it, and so-so vapor. It’s still really nice to hear others are liking it. I wish I could.
1. User takes ecig and presses the button down until the atomizer coils glow (must be a manual ecig) without the mouthpiece on. The person would then need to take the ecig to the flammable material with the button still held. This wouldn’t happen on accident, as the button needs to be held down or the tiny coil immediately cools down.
2. There is no #2, apart from the user hacking at the battery with an axe. While thermal runaway is a possibility in any battery, the story claims the user simply dropped his ecig to cause the fire- like it’s a lit cigarette butt or something. Ecigs do not work this way.
It appears they removed the initial report and are waiting for review from and presentation to the medical community. From their site…
“As one study has been completed, a professional doctoral review will soon be completed and presented to the global medical community. As soon as it can be officially presented to the medical community, it will be published here.”
The link has been updated. We’ll report back once these studies have been officially presented.
I’m just the opposite. …I try to put in as much juice as possible. Do try the mesh wick- it really performs well on this atty. I wish I could get the same results in my RA Tank that I do on this atty with the mesh wick~
And that’s exactly why electronic cigarettes are so successful. They work where other products have failed. I hope that any smoker even mildly interested in quitting smoking gives this alternative a look. eCigs FTW!
I’m curious as to how your neighbors vapor gets into your mouth. How are you getting his vapor when it sounds like you are in a different apartment/section (with walls between). I just haven’t seen/used/heard of an eLiquid that will do anything that you described. Even vapers that are allergic to PG usually just report that it bothers their throat- but that is with direct inhalation. PG, the base of most eLiquids, is likely used in a variety of products that you have in your home already. These range from food products to cleansers, soaps and body products.
I’m at a loss as to how someone vaping next door could cause your symptoms, even if you were allergic to PG. Please do follow up with more details.
I understand -It was a bit of a quick review. I didn’t delve too deep on this $30 changeable voltage mod. I think you can look at the price and be able to put this device into the correct category- no? If you are expecting it to perform like a Darwin or Provari- Don’t. It’s a chinese made project box with a regulator. I certainly can’t tell you what regulator is in it by using it more. Take the review for what it’s worth I guess. …Happy Vaping!
A completely wrong opinion? Nope- I checked, and my opinion was correct. It was painful to vape through the whole tank. Drying burning was not the issue. The vision did not compare to ANYTHING that I like to vape on. Period.
Your results may vary. Your opinion may be different. Thats fine and actually welcomed. Thanks for posting Mrdougers.
Bummer Vapor weapons! Imagine if you were both gone for the day when it vented! Being there and getting to the fire extinguisher in time is key. It sounds like it could’ve been worse- but I bet you’ll check your battery chargers a bit closer from here on out. Glad there were no injuries.
There are co-op purchases on parts at ECF. I don’t know how long that takes. There are also plans for the similar scubabat atty online that you could take to a machine shop. I know of a new rebuildable coming to market soon that should be worth a look too.
Good luck everybody! Get some juice!
My first step is going to be ordering of the parts. I can’t afford a Zenesis, but the parts for the Genesis should be do-able. Anyone else plan on building one?
Hypocrite- How can an atty be designed to be used as a mod? A mod is a mod, an atty is an atty.
Ole wasn’t awake when I did the interview- otherwise I would’ve had a few questions for him too. …You’ll have to get your Ole fix on the show I guess Jeannie.
The Zenesis reminds me of a light sabre. Very neat PV IMO! …A huge thanks to Zen for making the vid for us and participating!
I’ll be there!
It’s a good thought. I always thought vitamin potency diminished with heat though. Not to say it’s not worth a try. I’m not buying into it just yet.
I did try more of the Oatmeal Cookie. It is quite tasty. Again, I apologize if the review seemed lacking. It really does taste like oatmeal cookie, and if you are looking for that flavor- Texas Select Vapor nailed it.
Thanks for the helpful info Ever1ast!
Great review Brett!
Love Modest Mouse! Good intro/exit tune and a great review. Win! It looks like it would accept the kick too- which is a bonus.
@James- that is a great article to quote from. Thanks for posting it.
I added the link to the article you posted James.
Anyone know of any good co-op buys going on now? Clark- I’m in still.
Ok- that was interesting. Worth the click for sure!
Awesome J! The cherrywood and maplewood are both good also IMO, but those are my all day vapes. The maplewood has a bit more TH IMO. People really seem to like that applewood, but the other two got my love. OH- and I had the same issue with no vapor, but it was only the first couple of times trying to vape it. It suddenly started working very well. I still don’t have an explanation for this- but that was over 10 months ago and I still vape vermillion river all day.
Those “FDA” guys do catch wind. Every article has been read no doubt. Do we the people support harm reduction and refute BS? …?
In a July 22 news release, the FDA cited the detectable presence of carcinogens and “toxic chemicals” in a “small sample” of electronic cigarette cartridges as reason for alarm, singling out nitrosamines as particularly toxic. What the FDA fails to inform the public is that detectable amounts of carcinogens are also present in nicotine replacement products such as NicoDerm CQ and Nicorette gum, both approved by the FDA, and nitrosamines that can be also found in food items such bacon and beer. This double standard and alarmist attitude has had the significant and unfortunate effect of inducing hysteria among the public, discouraging tobacco smokers from using a product which is thought to be a significantly safer alternative to traditional tobacco.
Regrettably, the FDA has used biased reporting of this small and inconclusive study, the complete results of which have not been made public, to secure the vocal support of groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium, the Institute for Global Health, and the American Lung Association in their attack on electronic cigarettes. These researchers argue that it is absurd to consider taking electronic cigarettes off the market when it is the conventional ones which have been shown to be killing people. Further, the electronic cigarette community calls for accurate and fair reporting relative to the findings and statements of prominent medical professionals in favor of this new and important technology and challenges the media to tell the other side of the story.
“The FDA’s laboratory findings actually indicate that electronic cigarettes are much, much safer than conventional cigarettes,” says Dr. Michael Siegel. “The traces of carcinogens present are also present in nicotine replacement products. The FDA and the anti-smoking groups have fallen into a huge analytical trap as they have failed to ask the appropriate question. The question they are asking is: ‘Are electronic cigarettes safe?’ That is not the right question. The right question is: ‘Are electronic cigarettes much safer than traditional ones?'”
Dr. Rodu states, “The FDA tested e-cigarettes for TSNAs using a questionable sampling regimen, and the methods that were so sensitive that the results may have no possible significance to users. The agency failed to report specific levels of these contaminants, and it has failed to conduct similar testing of nicotine medicines that have been sold in the U.S. for over 20 years. These are not the actions of an agency that is science-based and consumer-focused. These pseudo-scientific actions are clearly intended to form the justification for banning a category of products that are probably 99.9% safer than cigarettes.”
And with that, this contest is now closed. Tune in to GTV tonight at 9PM Est. to see if you’ve won. Good luck and thanks for playing!
Orion- You were posting as I posted- so we’ll count yours. Your in!
See you all at
in a couple of hours!
Maybe the vid is long and drawn out- but we had fun. These vendors get a huge thanks for giving and participating. All thumbs up..
Hotvapes, pbdragon, Carolinavapes, PinkspotVapors, JooglerJuice, AbsolutelyEcigs, TexasSelectVapor, EminentVapor, AtomicVapors, and markspens
* *
1st Winner: Bombshell package- Over $200 in prizes here with the awesome bombshell kit.
1x Bombshell Mod Kit (HotVapes.com)
1x $25 Gift Certificate (PBDragon.com)
1x 35ml Bottle of E-Liquid (HotVapes.com)
1x $20 Gift Certificate (CarolinaVapes.com)
1x $50 Gift Certificate (EminentVapor.com)
* *
2nd Winner: 80ml juice, 10 attys, $25 at pbdragon.com- more juice
1x $25 Gift Certificate (PBDragon.com)
5x Regular 510 Atomizer (AbsolutelyEcigs.com)
5x LR 510 Atomizer (AbsolutelyEcigs.com)
6x 5ml Bottles of E-Liquid (TexasSelectVapor.com)
5x 10ml Bottles of E-Liquid (JooglerJuice.com)
* *
3rd Winner: 80ml juice and 10 attys and 3 cartos
5x 10ml Bottles of E-Liquid (JooglerJuice.com)
5x Regular 510 Atomizer (AbsolutelyEcigs.com)
5x LR 510 Atomizer (AbsolutelyEcigs.com)
3x 10ml Bottles of E-Liquid (AtomicVapors.com)
3x LR SmokTech Cartomizers (AtomicVapors.com)
* *
4th Winner: Pinkspot juice! $50 worth.
1x $50 Gift Certificate (PinkSpotVapors.com)
Vaping Turtle
* *
5th Winner: More Pinkspot!
1x $50 Gift Certificate (PinkSpotVapors.com)
* *
6th Winner: This is some one of a kind awesomeness. $50 at Markspens.com. While you can’t buy a Marks Mod- you can still have Marks wood in the form of a pen.
1x $50 Gift Certificate (MarksPens.com)
From cancure.org, an old- but relevant article….
FDA advisers tied to industry
An article by Dennis Cauchon, the USA TODAY Newspaper
Sept. 25, 2000
According to a USA Today study, more than half of the experts hired to advise the government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine have financial relationships with the pharmaceutical companies that will be helped or hurt by their decisions. These experts are hired to advise the Food and Drug Administration on which medicines should be approved for sale, what the warning labels should say and how studies of drugs should be designed. The experts are supposed to be independent, but USA TODAY found that 54% of the time, they have a direct financial interest in the drug or topic they are asked to evaluate. These conflicts include helping a pharmaceutical company develop a medicine, then serving on an FDA advisory committee that judges the drug.
The conflicts typically include stock ownership, consulting fees or research grants.
Federal law generally prohibits the FDA from using experts with financial conflicts of interest, but according to the article, the FDA has waived the restriction more than 800 times since 1998.
These pharmaceutical experts, about 300 on 18 advisory committees, make decisions that affect the health of millions of Americans and billions of dollars in drugs sales. With few exceptions, the FDA follows the committees’ advice.
The FDA reveals when financial conflicts exist, but it has kept details secret since 1992, so it is not possible to determine the amount of money or the drug company involved.
A USA Today analysis of financial conflicts at 159 FDA advisory committee meetings from Jan. 1, 1998, through last June 30 found:
At 92% of the meetings, at least one member had a financial conflict of interest.
At 55% of meetings, half or more of the FDA advisers had conflicts of interest.
Conflicts were most frequent at the 57 meetings when broader issues were discussed: 92% of members had conflicts.
At the 102 meetings dealing with the fate of a specific drug, 33% of the experts had a financial conflict.
Lol- The packaging? Really?
And kits available for under $100 is a bonus too.
….I think “poor man’s provari” is a fitting name.
Did I mention that I LOVE the Kick?
Ok. I am going to try a tank now. I have to see what all the cool kids are raving about.
Awesome insight Blake! IMO the Atlanta vapers’ have something going here. Looked like it was a fun meet!
You rock Jeannie!
Miss you Cin!
Just this month I’ve heard of a few vendors getting nicotine, 4k bottles of juice and even hardware containing no nicotine stopped at customs and even sent back. I know of at least 1 vendor that does have the tobacco license- but it still happens everyday. I guess the FDA is above our judicial system when they get to proceed while ignoring this ruling. Am I missing something?
RE: The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington said today the FDA can only regulate e-cigarettes as a tobacco product. The ruling means the government can oversee the marketing of the products, not restrict their sale.
Good points! I have to say that I never liked a carto until I put the right volts behind it with a tank feeding it. While I prefer the atty, cartos perform well on the right device. Since attys and cartos are disposable, it’s easy to try them all and find your sweet spot. Vapor can often be increased by the “method” too- it just depends on how long you want it to take to get there.
Clarification: I just tested, and I do NOT have the LR as I thought. It is 2.8Ω. That is definitely one reason I didn’t like it. I do feel that since it’s not LR, the flavor should’ve been better in the least. I “might” try an LR just to see if I can give it a better review
American or Korean cigarettes? I’m actually shocked at the low amount of chemicals found in analog smoke. I wonder if the study was with a typical brand that we use in the US, as I’m aware that their are around 4,000 chemicals and additives that are allowed in cigarettes in the US.
Thanks for the comments. I understand that a lot of vapers are liking these things. I actually gave one of these to my brother, who uses CE2s exclusively. He told me I could have it back. They certainly aren’t for everyone, maybe I did get a couple duds, but my viewpoint hasn’t changed. I just tried the Vision/Stardust again (same one) and have the same complaints. Muted flavor, a scratchy burning in my sinuses from it, and so-so vapor. It’s still really nice to hear others are liking it. I wish I could.
Did you win? https://guidetovaping.com/2012/03/march-giveaway-winners/
Congrats to the winners! Stay tuned for our next giveaway. ..coming soon. And @Blake…. xxx.com? lol
That’s great! Thanks Dr.s!
Possible ways this COULD happen in my opinion:
1. User takes ecig and presses the button down until the atomizer coils glow (must be a manual ecig) without the mouthpiece on. The person would then need to take the ecig to the flammable material with the button still held. This wouldn’t happen on accident, as the button needs to be held down or the tiny coil immediately cools down.
2. There is no #2, apart from the user hacking at the battery with an axe. While thermal runaway is a possibility in any battery, the story claims the user simply dropped his ecig to cause the fire- like it’s a lit cigarette butt or something. Ecigs do not work this way.
It should if you get an 510-510 extender. Not sure how it will look/fit- but you would definitely need an extender to make the vision work with a LT.
It appears they removed the initial report and are waiting for review from and presentation to the medical community. From their site…
“As one study has been completed, a professional doctoral review will soon be completed and presented to the global medical community. As soon as it can be officially presented to the medical community, it will be published here.”
The link has been updated. We’ll report back once these studies have been officially presented.
I’m just the opposite. …I try to put in as much juice as possible. Do try the mesh wick- it really performs well on this atty. I wish I could get the same results in my RA Tank that I do on this atty with the mesh wick~
And that’s exactly why electronic cigarettes are so successful. They work where other products have failed. I hope that any smoker even mildly interested in quitting smoking gives this alternative a look. eCigs FTW!
I’m curious as to how your neighbors vapor gets into your mouth. How are you getting his vapor when it sounds like you are in a different apartment/section (with walls between). I just haven’t seen/used/heard of an eLiquid that will do anything that you described. Even vapers that are allergic to PG usually just report that it bothers their throat- but that is with direct inhalation. PG, the base of most eLiquids, is likely used in a variety of products that you have in your home already. These range from food products to cleansers, soaps and body products.
I’m at a loss as to how someone vaping next door could cause your symptoms, even if you were allergic to PG. Please do follow up with more details.
I understand -It was a bit of a quick review. I didn’t delve too deep on this $30 changeable voltage mod. I think you can look at the price and be able to put this device into the correct category- no? If you are expecting it to perform like a Darwin or Provari- Don’t. It’s a chinese made project box with a regulator. I certainly can’t tell you what regulator is in it by using it more. Take the review for what it’s worth I guess. …Happy Vaping!
You lost me Stal. The mesh is missing? You breath without metallic mesh? …The mesh is in the wick. Have you seen or used a Genesis before?
I’m not seeing anything that says 18650 David. Good recap on the article though. Is this iVape’s warranty or elsewhere?
Thanks for the comments!
Please do folks. I posted it specifically for the opposing views on the product I reviewed.
A completely wrong opinion? Nope- I checked, and my opinion was correct. It was painful to vape through the whole tank. Drying burning was not the issue. The vision did not compare to ANYTHING that I like to vape on. Period.
Your results may vary. Your opinion may be different. Thats fine and actually welcomed. Thanks for posting Mrdougers.
Bummer Vapor weapons! Imagine if you were both gone for the day when it vented! Being there and getting to the fire extinguisher in time is key. It sounds like it could’ve been worse- but I bet you’ll check your battery chargers a bit closer from here on out. Glad there were no injuries.
I still haven’t had any issue with the button. …not negating your issues- I just haven’t had an issue on mine yet.
Correct Steve- you’d use a 18490 or 18500. I realized that I omitted that part.
There are co-op purchases on parts at ECF. I don’t know how long that takes. There are also plans for the similar scubabat atty online that you could take to a machine shop. I know of a new rebuildable coming to market soon that should be worth a look too.