I’m trying Texas Select Vapor’s “Oatmeal Cookie” (18mg).
3 drips on a LR dual coil atty, running on an ego passthrough.
Thought 1: I can taste oatmeal cookie. Light cinnamon. Nothing overpowering.
3 more drips…
Whoops! I vaped that without writing anything. 3 more drips….
This isn’t bad. See above.
Vapor: Yup.
PG/VG Mix: Unknown (Not shown on bottle)
TH: Light
I’m not a juice reviewer, nor do I play one on TV. I vape. While some would deem the above review as “lacking”, there is only so much you can say about an oatmeal cookie. It DIDN’T taste like chemical. It wasn’t offensive in any way. It produced vapor like ejuice usually does. I found the taste to be true to the name.
Taste is subjective, and tastes, devices and even vaping style should be considered. These factors can change often. Thus I find it hard to give a ejuice a “number” or “rate” it.
If you would like to make a purchase at TexasSelectVapor.com, click this link for a discount code to get you started https://guidetovaping.com/2011/10/texasselectvapor-discount-code/
I did try more of the Oatmeal Cookie. It is quite tasty. Again, I apologize if the review seemed lacking. It really does taste like oatmeal cookie, and if you are looking for that flavor- Texas Select Vapor nailed it.