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Calling Out: Vapor Joes

West Coast Vape Supply

My name is Joe Petner, and I am an accidental vaper.

bigVaping wasn’t even on my radar in January, 2012. I was on YouTube looking for a friend’s band, when a Grimm Green video came up in the search results. Intrigued, I clicked and was immediately drawn to the idea of vaping. Some research quickly led to the purchase my very first kit: a simple eGoT kit and 2 bottles of juice from The day it arrived, I became a full-time vaper and successful ex-smoker, never to look back. After 25 years of smoking two packs of Marlboro’s daily, it felt great to painlessly kick my deadly habit.

A lot has happened since then, but it all began with a desire to connect with other vapers in my area. Sadly, I knew of none, but soon found Smokie901 on Facebook. He directed me to his reviews and out of our frequent communication a friendship formed. Soon, we were attending local meets together and I was introduced to the online vaping community via Google+ Hangouts and Skype. In those online hangouts, people were always looking for deals, comparisons and the scoop on new and leading products. A “Deals Guy” by nature, I would quickly point them to the cheapest and best, and an idea began to form.

vaporjoesIt wasn’t long before I was being encouraged to start a deals blog to share my findings with a wider audience than the hangouts could reach. By the end of August 2012, VaporJoes was born… although it nearly debuted as ‘JoeyVapes’. At the onset it was a humble endeavor, with only a couple of posts daily for friends and acquaintances to benefit from, but it wouldn’t remain there long. Within only a month, the site garnered 1000 hits, and inside of four months was generating 50,000 hits monthly. It passed the million hit milestone by the time I was only 6 months old. Today, VaporJoes Deals & Steals sees one million visitors every two weeks! I didn’t want to stop there though. The recent addition of a Canadian-based, Internationally minded arm to the VaporJoes family, VaporJoes Canada, has extended our influence globally, and given me a chance to meet and make new friends within the Canadian community. Operated by TygerTyger, a one year vaper and host on Canada’s Vapestrong Entertainment network, that site has grown exponentially in its humble 5 months of operation and is now nearing 2 million hits. Be on the watch for a UK sibling to join the family soon!

Nearing two years as a vaper I’m still not much of a rebuilder, preferring to simply fill and vape. I like my cartomizers, glassomizers, BCCs and the recently resurrected and ever-present gooseneck extension that has become my signature. Despite my reluctance to build, the “Zombie Apocalypse Box” is bursting with rebuildables of all styles and the necessary accompanying supplies. These are safely stashed away in the event that the FDA should
threaten to take my toys away!

What’s commonly on my desk? When it comes to juice I have no prominent favorites. I refer to myself as a ‘juice whore’ in that I’ll try anything and it’s really quite rare for me to find a juice that I simply cannot vape. My favorite flavor profiles, however, run to the tobaccos and fruity menthol’s. As for devices, I enjoy my high-end mods like the Darwin, Poldiac, Empire, Zen Carto Hybrid, DNA20 and Sabre Max a.k.a. ‘Pimpstick’. I’m not a device snob however, and you’ll also find a full collection of more affordable items and clones close at hand.

One of the highlights of being a part of this community for me is broadcasting. Early in 2012, Smokie and Vaping Mandycat approached me to do a show, but I turned them down repeatedly. Eventually, I agreed to appear as a guest with Mandy, and the feedback was so overwhelmingly positive that I decided to return on a regular basis. These frequent appearances soon grew regular and with the addition of Smokie to the show, ‘Mandy and the Jersey Boys’ grew popular and evolved into ‘Mod Envy’ at Elixir network. When the sun set on Elixir, Smokie, Mandycat and I moved the show to Novabroadcasting, and that’s when ‘Mod Envy’ exploded into the most watched
vaping show ever to air, now reaching 800 to 1000 viewers every Saturday night. It wasn’t long before Mandy left the show to concentrate on her growing business, Timeless Vapor, and we added Nitrobex to the show. After trialing various others, we settled on the team you now see each week consisting of Smokie, Nitrobex, Tiny Vaper and me.

Social-MediaAs you can probably tell, I eat, sleep, breathe and think vaping! My days are filled with finding and writing deals, liaising with vapers and vendors, moderating at Facebook and Google+, tweeting, hosting broadcasts, managing an Android application, and plenty of social networking as it pertains to vaping. A big part of my enjoyment is helping, whether by supporting fundraising efforts for members of our community, or assisting new vapers with advice, PIFs (pay-it-forward gifts), juice and integration into our thriving community. I wake each and every day, excited to see what new advancements, products, and social interactions are going on in our vaping circles.

To close on a personal note, I extend heartfelt gratitude to the man I hold in highest regard as my vaping mentor and friend. If it wasn’t for Smokie, VaporJoes would not exist. He guided me into this community and supported and encouraged my efforts along the way. I’m forever in his debt. Additionally, it was this community that introduced me to TygerTyger whose friendship grew first into a strong business partnership, then into a very personal interest spanning a continent. In the miles between Smokie and Tyger lie two nations full of friends I’ve made that bring smiles to my face, and make all the hard work I invest each day worth every minute.

Thank you to each and every one of you.

Blake Brown
Blake Brown

Blake is the owner and creator of the Guide To Vaping blog. He has expressed his passion for the vaping industry through his deeply rooted and highly informative content. Being a writer and content provider for the vaping industry for year's, Blake has also gained experience from working with multiple blogs and well respected companies.

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  1. I recently found Vapor Joes and love the show and the blog! I am a new vaper of 2 months 🙂

  2. Been following vapor how’s for about 5 months now 🙂 loving every minute of these amazing deals! Been vaping for about 10 months or so now, but it’s been a struggle.. as soon as I get something new, my backup breaks.. or charger eats my batteries, or I run out of juice.. no matter what happens, VJ always helps me find the best, affordable prices for my vaping needs 🙂 PIFS are nice too 😉

  3. Nice to meet you, Vapor★Joe! Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do for the vaping community!
    Signed, your biggest fan 😉

  4. Joe thanks for all you do

  5. Thanks for posting your blog Joe. Much appreciated. All these savings is somehow draining my wallet though…funny how that works…lol

  6. Vapor Joe can be seen on Saturday Nights with the MOD ENVY Crew at 10pm est at
    After that Joe and TygerTyger do a show called Done Deal on till the wee hours of the morning.
    rebroadcast links can be found at and

    Hope you enjoy the shows as much as I do.

    Vape Happy

  7. Keep it up Joe, Looking forward to 2014 and all the deals.

  8. Thanks for all you do. Being new it helps alot.

  9. Hey Joe,
    See ya every Saturday. Been vaping for almost 5 years now. I Do not always agree with your views, but I respect your honesty and opinions.
    Been wondering though, if I may ask, what do you do as your occupation?

  10. Great work Joe
    Greetings from Iceland……….been vaping for 3 weeks
    your blog is awesone.

  11. Joe you have the best site for vapor’s period! We appreciate all that you do.
    Thanks Man

  12. Im new to this blog. I have vaped since the Atlis 1 tank was about all there was or the vape pen with the small 1ml tank. Anyway with the evolved new devices , Desposable, etc. I have lost my roots and been doing a lot of lazy Mr.Fog etc. buying. The puff bar , original was the best desposable ever in my opinion. Now with nic salts etc. New space age mods and tanks, I really need a mod and tank best for salts. I had a Caliburn, but it didn’t really do it for me. Smok version on way tho. But need a mod n tank, 60W is fine, or 100, whatever just Quality! Any recommended kits? And if anyone tried tobacco flavored puff bar, any suggested liquids remotely the same flavor? Thanks and please help! Im trying to mod n tank for under $120 And i know thats a high bid lol. Help!! Shawn T.

    • Shawn, I have devices and tanks being sent to me so much that I have to tell them not to send me anything. None of the devices really really excite me anymore. Except for one… and that is the VOOPOO Drag X. I’m used to and like the small form factor and the ability to use salts or regular vape juice. The coils are perfect, they last me a long time, and deliver great performance as well. As for the tobacco flavor, I can’t help you in the category.

      • Thanks Blake, im a single father with 5 year old daughter for she lost her mother, my wife, 10 2018, n things have been really hard financial as well as emotionally. Im down to about 5 cigs a day with the help of Mr Fofg n other desposables like By 2 which is a dual flavored desposable so im doing better but I HAVE TO STOP the CIGARETTES So She has a dad in her life at least! Thx, and email me if u Don’t mind, i have some questions about the new stuff out n i almost guarantee u cld help more than most! Please and Thanks Blake again! Shawn T

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Guide To Vaping