The ecig was first patented by Hon Lik in 2003. While some believe the ecig was first patented in 1963 by Herbert Gilbert, Gilberts invention didn’t produce vapor.
The story began with a dream one night in 2000, when Hon Lik, a heavy tobacco cigarette smoker, suffered from a respiratory infection. He coughed and wheezed constantly. Sickness made it difficult to sleep. Finally, he was able to fall asleep, but immediately he was found himself drowning in a deep sea and dying imminently. Suddenly the sea water vaporized and he found himself lying on a wonderland full of colorful fog. Wow! from dangerous sea water to colorful vapor, it is so beautiful! The dream inspired Hon Lik questing for a revolutionary electronic cigarette.
Hon Lik worked day and night to realize his dream. In 2004, he finally invented the electronic cigarette. It was a small battery powered device that delivered nicotine liquid solution in a vaporized form, fog, when inhaled air activates an atomizer. It had a red light at the tip that lighted up with each drag. It did not contain the substances commonly found in regular cigarettes, such as tar and other cancer causing agents.
Hon Lik gave one of the first prototypes to his father, who was also a heavy tobacco smoke and dying of lung cancer at that time. His father enjoyed the electronic cigarette and was happy that with the device there would be fewer sons watching their fathers dying of lung cancers.
Over thirty percent (30%) of the entire world’s population are hurting by smoking regular cigarettes. Tobacco smoking kills one person every six seconds. With this revolutionary electronic cigarette, the “earn billions and kill millions” tobacco industry will be certainly transformed in the near future. Thanks to Hon Lik, We finally have the alternative method of delivering nicotine that is truly enjoyable. Hon Lik is a life-saving Hero.
Thanks to Troop for the research and writing. I only posted. 🙂
OK- Gilbert was likely thinking along the same lines of an e-cig when he created his device- or at least how to deliver a medication similar to how a nebulizer would. A design that primitive could go either way, regardless of appearance. If Gilbert had filled his device with some of the juice we are vaping, he’d crap himself. The possibilities that are available now in juices and devices have come with some trial and error. Gilbert would be proud that he doesn’t have to vape antifreeze, like they do at the FDA. (We all know that the vaping community doesn’t vape it.) It’s like comparing an old radio to an ipod, or a waffle iron to a toaster- ideas and technology evolve. Ideas are recycled and re-formed. Today’s technology gives us the AW IMR’s, LR and creativity to make mods to hold it all, when yesterdays technology was a weak battery and blue foam filled with somebody elses idea of a good time. Either way- inventions are great. Kudos to both~ We’ve come a long way baby!(TM)(FO)
I now use my electronic cigarette exclusively without a desire for a regular cigarette.
When people light up around me now I find the smell of a regular cigarette undesirable. With smoke cessation products I still wanted cigarettes.
And that’s exactly why electronic cigarettes are so successful. They work where other products have failed. I hope that any smoker even mildly interested in quitting smoking gives this alternative a look. eCigs FTW!
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hi sir. i’m Wendy Sebastian i’m a graduating student came from Philippines need your help about electronic cigarettes/vape.
where going to have a feasibility study about EC. so can u help me please… i need this for may graduation requirements. thank you in advance