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Your First eCig

West Coast Vape Supply

So you are starting your research on ecigs. You’ve been through site after site (most likely the majority were affiliate sites with cooked reviews). Nothing is getting clearer- so maybe you settle on one and order. Great- at least you committed to trying the ecig, and you are on the path to smoking cessation. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect just yet- there’s more learning to do!

It’s common to think that you want your first ecig to look like a real cig. The problem with that is that the small ecig batteries don’t hold much of a charge and are not a good fit for those who were heavier
smokers. In addition, most of those cig look-a-likes come with pre-filled carts that may not taste the best. With the myriad of ejuice options available, your favorite will NOT be a prefilled cart. One more argument against the look-a-likes, and a big one for me is that those small batteries won’t power an LR atty without possible damage occurring to the battery.

Luckily for me, and thousands of others- there are forums with a lot of helpful ex-smokers to answer your questions. Soon it becomes clear and simple. You learn of the lies that the affiliate sites usually spout concerning 1 carto equaling a pack of cigarettes, or “long” battery life. You find that there are juice vendors with high quality ejuice that provides an experience better than smoking ever had been.


Blake Brown
Blake Brown

Blake is the owner and creator of the Guide To Vaping blog. He has expressed his passion for the vaping industry through his deeply rooted and highly informative content. Being a writer and content provider for the vaping industry for year's, Blake has also gained experience from working with multiple blogs and well respected companies.

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