The Horizon Tech Arctic Tank was released into the vaping market and was quickly showered with popularity because of it being the first “said” sub-ohm clearomizer tank that was capable of being ran at a higher than normal wattage without the inability to wick properly. Today, we’re going to test the Arctic Tank, put it through the wringer and find out if this sub-ohm tank is what it’s been hyped up to be in this Horizon Tech Arctic Tank Sub-Ohm Clearomizer Review.
Appearance / Packaging
The Horizon Tech Arctic Tank comes in a clear plastic case that is filled with a white cut-out foam piece to hold the Arctic Tank and an extra coil. There isn’t too much to the packaging for the arctic tank, except that it’s filled with its logo or name on every side and the back showing how to fill the Arctic, as well as listing its features.
The Arctic Sub-Ohm Clearomizer looks rather average, other than its indention here and there and its 4 large airflow holes. Now, of course it’s shaped a bit different from other tanks and it doesn’t look exactly the same, but for the most part, it just looks like any other clearomizer with no real huge defining characteristic. Fortunately, the metal construction and durable look that it has, I dig, so as far as the appearance goes, it’s good in my book.
The first features that I would like to point out about the Arctic Tank is what leads to one of the best features of all. The Arctic pre-made coil heads use US made Kanthal Wire and it uses 100% Organic Cotton. When those coil heads are installed, the Arctic’s most notable feature shines, which is that it can handle 10w to 100w, which is rather astonishing for a clearomizer. We went from having wicking issues with clearomizer, to them being able to handle sub-ohm resistance, to now being able to run them up to 100 watts… wicked!
The Arctic Tank is made from high-grade stainless steel and its middle tank portion is made of pyrex glass. Other features include the 4-stage adjustable valve (adjustable airflow), which isn’t as airy as you would think. With that many holes and that wide of holes on the base, you would expect it to be as airy as an RDA, but you have to remember, the air still has to travel through that small tube in the center of the clearomizer. With that said, no matter how many holes it has at the bottom, there’s still going to be some restriction there. Anyhow, it definitely has better airflow than any other clearomizer I’ve used to date, so that’s saying something.
And, the last thing I’d like to point out is that you have the ability to go even lower than the 0.5Ω replacement coil heads that are offered with the tank. As a separate purchase, you can get your hands on a 0.2Ω and if you’re looking for higher resistance, Horizon Tech even has 1.2Ω replacement heads.
I personally feel that the Arctic Tank lacks a bit when it comes to flavor at lower wattages, but excels highly when it comes to vapor production. This tank has stayed true to its word about being able to handle high wattage, but at the same time, the stainless steel that the clearomizer is made of gets too hot. I feel that heat sink fins would have been a great addition to this sub-ohm clearomizer. Another problem I noticed is that with the 0.5Ω coil heads, even going up to 40 watts and chain vaping will give you dry hits (it can only handle high wattage for a few pulls. I’ve heard many of the coils are bad, while some work just fine). Although it can reach a high wattage doesn’t mean you don’t have to give it time to re-soak them wicks after a big pull. I guess the best thing you can say about the performance of the Arctic Tank is that it has no problem throwing out very big clouds, so if you’re looking to cloud chase with a sub-ohm clearomizer, this will be best for that.