(Not a review, but please read!)
Drip Tips are obviously not something to do a review on, however I would like to at least throw a few words down in its favor because they deserve the attention.
Recently I received my Ruby Ming Tip from rtdVapor.com and I’m very pleased with it. They have many nice colors along with a great look and a nice smooth feel. What’s awesome about the Ming Drip Tip is the curvature it has. The way the Ming is shaped fits well to the lips.
You can find CherryVape Ming Tips at a variety of places, but its original source can be found here http://www.CherryVape.com
[stextbox id=”info”]Remember to always look for the “CherryVape Official Reseller” image when purchasing CherryVape Drip Tips from other sites to be sure it’s the real thing.[/stextbox]