There’s no doubt about it that Njoy has been making their presence known all across the world with on-going advertisements, and they’ve got yet another smooth tactic that places them both on and off air during this year’s Super Bowl.
For the second year, Njoy has run an advertisement during the Super Bowl in some local markets. Although having an ad play during the large event will do great for the well established e-cigarette company, they’ve decided to take it a step further by hitting the streets of metro New York.
The brand has employed a group of women dressed as referees to patrol the streets of NYC in a Westwood One radio bus for patrons sneaking a smoke. When they spot someone, the refs will descend on the consumer and offer them a sample of NJoy’s product, instead. The bus is part of NJoy’s media buy with the radio network, which will be in action during the Super Bowl itself pulling up outside bars in New York.
What Njoy is trying to say is that we’re always on the side of the smokers. It’s the biggest game of the year. We don’t want them to miss any bit of the action because they’re going inside. – Michael Fernandez (co-founder and owner of the marketing firm behind the bus, Factory 360, according to The Drum)
Unfortunately, this is the last Super Bowl that New Yorker’s will be able to enjoy their e-cigs inside, though. A new law banning its use indoors at such establishments goes into effect on April 29.
The big advertisement move from Njoy is all part of a new campaign, “Friends Don’t Let Friends Smoke.” NJoy is running a TV spot that shows a friend replacing his friend’s smokes with some NJoy.
We do not advertise e-cigs as a smoking cessation device. However, a unique aspect of the NJoy video is that we are appealing to the friends and loved ones of smokers, asking them to leverage the fundamental connection and emotional bond of love that bring us all together and strengthens our trust/intimacy. Everyone can identify with the desire to help our friends and loved ones become the best versions of themselves, and goal (especially in the new year!) to strive to be better versions of ourselves. – Njoy company spokesman
According to Time, the ad will run in Miami, Denver, San Antonio, and Nashville.
Source: The Drum