H-Priv and G-Priv, the only difference in their names is a single letter. Both released by SmokTech in the last few months, either one would be a welcome addition to anyone looking for a rock solid, regulated, mid-sized vape mod that puts the fun back into functionality. The H-Priv has been in my personal collection as an all day vape for several months, alongside my Reuleaux RX200 as it has features that work well for me as a vaper, but with the recent release of the G-Priv, its days in service may be numbered.
Over the course of the next few minutes we’ll look at the differences in design between these mods, the common points carried from one to the other, and talk about how Smok has created an undersung workhorse that many vapers should consider adding to their tool box.
Smok H-Priv
The H-Priv from Smok, 220 Watts of pure vaping power that can be tweeked and adjusted to meet any vapers needs. Solid construction and simple to operate menu systems make it a mod that can be picked up and operated by the newest of vapers in a very short time and keep working in their hands for years to come.
Dual 18650’s can hit the 220, as long as the coils used meet the specifications the chip supports and temperature control functions perfectly. Some mods have a tendency to wander off track at higher temperatures but the H-Priv does what it’s telling you on the screen. As well as working with Titanium, Stainless Steel and Nickel wire pre-sets, the Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) settings can be adjusted and the device can be programmed to hold an insane number of memory slots.
The screen and adjustment keys are placed in the top of the device to prevent accidental button pressing and the firing button takes up almost an entire side of the box. The corners are rounded for comfort but at the end of the day the H-Priv still resembles a box.
Smok G-Priv
Smok may have stepped down a letter in the alphabet but with the G-Priv they have made some major advances from its predecessor. Keeping many of the basics intact, the power output, temperature control efficiency and the controllable ramp up time, the G-Priv takes the concept of the H-Priv to the next level.
A brand new look and feel brings this box mod into the 21st Century, angular and architectural features make it feel as though it belongs on the set of a Scifi movie, not in the hands of a vaper. The firing mechanism is still elongated and tactile, these buttons are not meant to be accidentally pressed Smok decided that on this device it was the only button we needed.
The top screen and adjustment buttons are gone, replaced on the front face by a 2.4 inch touch screen, making navigation simpler and easier to access but in such a way that accidents are kept to a minimum. The battery door has been moved from the base to the back, held in place by magnets and seamlessly disappears.
The H-Priv was a hardworking, solid design that I believed would be a mod I’d stick with for a very long time, but then Smok had to go and make it better.
Where To Buy?
There are many places you can buy the H-Priv and G-Priv, but we, of course, have our recommendation. There are several factors that go into our suggestion on where you should buy one of these devices. These are sites that we regularly use here at GuideToVaping.com, because they offers you, as a customer, great incentives. Truth be told, they are sites that we often order from ourselves. They also happen to be affiliated websites, meaning each purchase you make through our links earns us a small commission which allows us to continue our work of keeping the vaping community informed and keeping the office lights turned on.
With that being said, we truly appreciate your support, from reading our articles and leaving comments to actually taking our advice and hitting up the sites that we point you towards. Without you, we wouldn’t need to be here, and we will always do our very best to aim you in a direction that you can buy with confidence.
Smok G-Priv Mod: GET IT HERE