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ecig news

Just a few days ago, we published a news article that had the online electronic cigarette community in some-what of a scare. This was all due to what we ...

Ever since electronic cigarettes were introduced to the market, they have continually increased in popularity and have created a massive industry of its own, ...

A Jail in Tennessee plans to sell E-Cigarettes to inmates in hopes to raise enough money to fund staff and facility. Just when you think e-cigarettes may ...

It seems like New York is receiving a lot of media coverage over electronic cigarettes these days, but it's not all positive for the electronic cigarette ...

Europe's largest cigarette company, British American Tobacco (BAT), has launched its own electronic cigarette earlier this week, the Vype. The Vype disposable ...

Now that electronic cigarettes are booming (and have been for a while now), the competition between e-cig companies is getting hot. These companies are ...

It's wild how quickly electronic cigarettes are moving throughout the world with its advertising. It was like one minute they're this device no one has heard ...

In recent news, Scholars William Cooke and Donovan Fogt from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), has received $30,000 in seed funding from UTSA to ...

The more well established electronic cigarette companies already know it, but these new guys entering the industry may be unaware of just how much Reynolds ...

A new study from PLOS One, recently demonstrated that e-cigarettes hold promise in serving as a means for reducing the number of cigarettes smoked, and can ...

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