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The FDA Regulations and Vape Advertising

West Coast Vape Supply


Continue To Build & Develop Your Brand

There are 45,000,000 smokers currently in the United States and 3.7% of them that have tried vaping.  These numbers will not hault, they’ll continue to climb, and more smokers will convert into vapers, becoming someones customer.  chart-going-upThere were $2,875,000,000 e-cigarette sales in 2015, and that’s because 29% of people who have started vaping, quit smoking within 6 months and became long-term customers of different vape brands.  Vaping changes lives… it has a way of easily pulling a long-time smoker out of harmful disgust that’s continued to kill our family members for years.  These numbers and the benefits just mentioned should clearly show that throwing in the towel could be one of the worst decisions you could make for yourself, your family, your employees, and thousands of vapers.

When times get tough, the FDA throws a wrench into your plans, and your business is challenged, that is the opportune time to fight for the company that you’ve built.  Continue to build and develop your brand to make it relevant in the vaping market.

“Since no more new products can be launched, it means we can say bye-bye to the hype juice model. An e-liquid company these days has to take a more cautious approach so that their brand can maintain a positive reputation for two more years and continue to make sales. In the vape world, two years is like two decades in other industries! And just like in other industries, a well-thought out advertising plan is critical to long term brand survival. Can you imagine brands like Tide, Gain, Target, or Kia not buying media to continually stay in front of their customers? They’d suffer great loss if they stopped advertising. As consumers, we make purchasing decisions every single day, and it’s likely the brands that have our top-of-mind awareness (TOMA) at the time we purchase that also get our money.”Steve Mac, Ecig Advertising Group

Blake Brown
Blake Brown

Blake is the owner and creator of the Guide To Vaping blog. He has expressed his passion for the vaping industry through his deeply rooted and highly informative content. Being a writer and content provider for the vaping industry for year's, Blake has also gained experience from working with multiple blogs and well respected companies.

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Guide To Vaping