In recent vaping news, Vaper Dan from Coast2CoastVapers on Vapers TV took a quick look at a very worthy cause. The material that was discussed in-depth over the weekend was the Vape A Vet Project. Needless to say, the 3 hour show really wasn’t enough time to get all the information across that Dennis Sutherland (VaV Project Manager and Army Veteran) was bringing to the table. This cause, Vape A Vet, isn’t receiving the exposure it should. Granted, shows here and there are making a big difference, but a charity that is literally saving lives and putting forth such effort to eradicate smoking and better this industry, should receive much more attention that it currently receives. Today, we’re going to share some information about the Vape A Vet Project and what you can do to help it in its efforts.
What Is The Vape A Vet Project is a 501 c 3 registered charity that came into existence when the founder Will Cohen, a 15 year + smoker used an Electronic Nicotine Device to break free of his tobacco habit and became eager to share his experience, knowledge and his health improvements with others. Soon enough his brother visited him in Phoenix with a cigarette addiction he picked up like so many others in basic training. Will set him up with a starter kit, some quality juice and the knowledge to use them. By the time he reported back to base his switch was complete.
As a registered charity, Vape A Vets primary goal is to provide active and former service members with the equipment and knowledge to switch to a healthier alternative to smoking at no cost to themselves. They are staffed and led entirely by volunteers who have chosen to embark on this mission without compensation. Since their inception in July of 2013, the number of Veterans that have been served is growing rapidly. To date, over 1000 Starter Kits & Care Packages have been sent to active and former service members (a running total can be seen on the front page of the website). 87% have successfully made the transition from tobacco to electronic cigarettes.
They have set themselves a lofty goal and it is one I wholeheartedly back. Each active service member or veteran that they help will pass the word rapidly to all their brothers and sisters.
How Does It Work
Each month they have an open enrollment program but are currently limited to 100 starter kits per month due to funding. Although they would love to fill every request they receive it is currently out of the question, they are looking to send out 300+ every month. I believe last month the open enrollment was open for less than 12 hours as so many wanted to gain access to a healthier alternative. As far as Care Packages go, they are sent to active service members currently deployed, although in extenuation circumstances they will help out anyone who qualifies state side too. The only requirement they have is proof of service and that the applicant be a current user of tobacco products. When the application has been approved the recipient gets a starter kit, which typically includes a mod, tank and e liquid supplies – nothing fancy but they are systems that have been proven to get the job done (in fact, the top one on their website is identical to the setup I used after my initial starter kit).
How Can I get Involved
That depends entirely on your position within the vaping community. The following is taken directly from
For Retailers
If you’re a Brick and Mortar Retailer consider carrying Bottle Ready to Vape Liquids. 100% of the wholesale profits made from the sale of BRV Liquids are donated to the Vape a Vet Project and are used to fund the purchase of kits, pay for shipping, and cover the cost of outreach and support.
- If you’re a Juice Manufacturer, you can make a special flavor and use our logo on it and donate a portion of sales of that particular flavor to the project. It’s a really neat way to show vapers that you support the cause, and it really helps!
- For Juice Manufacturers and Mod Makers, you can always donate to the care packages we send monthly. We separate, package and distribute over 100 care packages every month to soldiers around the world at no cost to them. For hardware we request current gen(ish) items. Basically no cartos, cigalikes, etc. For juice we are always in need of 3 mg and 6 mg. The requests far exceed the amount we have donated. We have a TON of 0 mg, and high nic. Items donated must be new, unopened and not expired. (We treat e-juice similar to food, you wouldn’t donate a half eaten hamburger to someone would you?)
- If you’re an online retailer, consider making a coupon code with a matching donation. We suggest using the code VAPEAVET and maybe giving the individual 5% off their order with a 5% matching donation. It’s a great chance to do a little more while offering a chance for your customers to save some money.
For Vapers:
- The single easiest way of supporting the project is by supporting BRV Liquids. Since that’s one of the main funding mechanisms for Vape a Vet, it’s a really easy way of supporting the Project by doing something you already do! You already vape, why not do a little more with the same money you’re already spending. Vape for a Cause!
- Talk to your local retailers, tell them about what we’re doing and ask them why they aren’t involved (if they aren’t). If they are involved give them a high 5 on us! Or, if that’s not the cool thing to do now, maybe a fist bump? I dunno, I’m not that cool.
- Spread the word! If you have family or friends who are serving or who have served who are current tobacco users, let them know about this amazing chance to give vaping a chance at no cost to them.
There are several other methods, including donating directly to the foundations Go Fund Me account or have amazon donate (up to 0.5%) every time you make a purchase with Amazon Smile.
Final Thoughts
As a veteran myself (British, so I don’t count in this) I feel this project deserves to be able to reach their goal of 300 kits a month in the hands of people who need them, and more importantly keeping vaping supplies in the hands stationed half a world away. Anything we can do as a community to help each other is always at the forefront of my mind, as this community saved my life and would like to be able to say that I helped save a few too.
As always, enjoy your vaporizer and vape safe!
I live on a very small SS fixed income but I’ve managed to donate even just $5 at times and more when I can. If every vaper did the same this group would be able to reach or even exceed their goals! Word about them and how simple it is to donate via Gofundme would be so helpful…we all could dig up a few dollars here or there to pif to veterans and active military that is looking to vape. They fight for our safety and we should all give back by helping them fight for their personal safety!!!!