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Top 25 Best Vape Shops Online

West Coast Vape Supply

6. LogoI happen to stumble upon not too long ago and recently started pushing viewers towards them because of the large selection of products and great prices that they offer. As I’m writing this I’m seeing Joyetech eGo AIO Kits being sold for $19.99, EGO CE4 Kits being sold for $4.99, Wax Atomizers for $2.99, Wax Pens for $39.99, mods as low as $24.99, and 100ML bottles of e-liquid for as low as $10! This place has it all, with great prices, a variety of different products, and free shipping on orders over $50. Stop by and check out some of the products they have coupled with the low prices, you just might find something that catches your attention!

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP VAPES.COM HERE” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#1e73be” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

7. Direct Vapor

Direct Vapor LogoCombine free shipping, great prices, a huge choice of the latest mods, accessories, and e-liquid, and you’ve got yourself one of the best vape shops online. These guys are super easy to deal with, they’re trusted throughout the vaping community, and I’ve been doing business with them for years. Direct Vapor is usually one of the first vendors on the market to get their hands on the latest products, so when you couple that with the nice prices and free shipping, it’s tough not to give them business because they’re definitely earning it. In addition, there are plenty of incentives for shopping with Direct Vapor, such as a 60-day warranty with free roundtrip shipping, no minimum orders, a 15-day return policy with no restocking fee, and the confidence of shopping with low prices and authentic gear.

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP DIRECT VAPOR HERE” style=”rounded” url=”″ target=”_blank” bg_color=”#1e73be” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

8. Central Vapors

Central Vapors LogoCentral Vapors is one of the best vape shops online because it still caters to those who undertake DIY Ejuice. They have a large selection of DIY supplies, while other vendors have brushed it off as if DIY vapers don’t exist. You can find bulk ejuice, empty bottles, syringes, blank labels, create your own ejuice kits, flavor concentrates, calculators, nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and pretty much anything you’ll need to start your own at-home flavor lab! on top of all that, they have e-liquid priced very well, mods, tanks and accessories that are priced well also, and they have a decent amount of clearance items too, like a Nylon 18650 Battery Holder for $4.49, vape bands for $0.79, Demon Killer Coils 48pcs for $4.95, Arctic Tank for $7.89, Fishbone RDA for $6.79, and many more for you to take advantage of!

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP CENTRAL VAPORS HERE” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#1e73be” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

9. Vapor DNA

VaporDNA LogoThis probably won’t be a secret to you but Vapor DNA is definitely one of the best vape shops online. They carry tons of the latest and most popular products, and even have their own customized spin on many of the products available. Not only do they have fast shipping, great prices, exceptional customer service, and free shipping on orders over $49 but you can also use coupon code “DNA10” for 10% off every order you make! Vapor DNA has been seen all throughout the industry, sponsoring many vape shows and expos, and settings trends in the vaping community. By the way, they have the Stentorian Basilisk 200W Resin Mod for only $39.99 – jump on this deal!

10. Volcano Ecigs

Volcano Ecigs LogoVolcano Ecigs is one of the best vape shops online for the simple fact that this company is a legend to us more seasoned vapers. For those that don’t know, Volcano Ecigs started the affordable variable wattage boom that many China manufacturers have now taken advantage of. This is why you now see so many new mods being released almost every day. Volcano Ecigs first came out with the LavaTube, one of the first affordable variable wattage mods. They then created several more LavaTube versions, and their last mod was the LavaBox, which isn’t that old. In fact, it uses the Evolv DNA200 chipset. On top of that, they still offer quite a selection of e-liquid brands and flavors, as well as more mods, tanks, atomizers, and accessories.

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP VOLCANO ECIGS HERE” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#1e73be” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

11. Cheap Ejuice

Cheap Ejuice LogoCheap Ejuice is definitely one of the best vape shops online because it’s a company dedicated to providing customers with delicious ejuice with affordable prices. I own every flavor this company offers and I can be the first to tell you that they’re all great flavors, featuring a 70VG/30PG ratio. It’s great clouds and flavor, priced to perfection. You can get 120ML bottles for just $12.99, which is incredible! This manufacturing company is selling directly to the consumer, and they happen to be a big player in the ejuice market. They actually created this Cheap Ejuice brand using their top flavors and started selling them at super low prices to target vapers that are on a budget. It’s definitely worth ordering a few of their flavors to at least try them out.

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP CHEAP EJUICE HERE” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#dd3333″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

12. Nug Republic

Nug Republic LogoI feel Nug Republic is one of the best vape shops online because it caters to those who enjoy a different type of vaping, such as herbal vaping. Though it isn’t a nicotine product, vaping is vaping, and there are some people out there that like to vape CBD e-liquid, CBD oil, dry herb and other concentrates. I know the owner of this company very well and I can assure you that they have a solid track record, great customer service, and easy to deal with. Not to mention, they also have a large selection of products for vapers who are into dry herb, CBD and wax. On top of great prices, you’ll find shopping with Nug Republic is one you’ll favor for those types of vaping products.

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP NUG REPUBLIC HERE” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#dd3333″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

13. Era Vape

Era Vape LogoEra Vape is some-what new to the game, but I’ve taken an interest in them. I feel they deserve to be on this list of the best vape shops online because of the products that they offer. They carry many unique e-liquid brands that you don’t often hear about or doesn’t fit in the ‘trendy’ category, and they carry many of the high-end mods that you don’t often see vendors carry due to the large price tag. Yes, these mods are expensive, there’s no denying that. However, if you’re one of those high-end vapers looking for mods like the Athena Pride 75 Resin Box Mod, the Craving Vapor HexOhm 3.0 Anarchist Edition, or the $415 Purge Mod Hangermann Serenity Edition, Era Vape is definitely the place to go.

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP ERA VAPE HERE” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#dd3333″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

14. 3FVape

3FVape Logo3FVape has become one of the best vape shops online due to its incredibly low prices, large selection of gear, and it’s typically one of the first shops to carry the latest products. Though the company is based in Shenzhen, China, there are loads of products to choose from that have been priced affordably. Many of the atomizers and mods are clones, but there are some authentic gear being sold on this site. If you’re on a budget, this is definitely a good shop to visit so that you can get all your gear for super cheap. Many times I know if this or that store doesn’t carry a specific product, it’s likely 3FVape will have it in stock.

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP 3FVAPE HERE” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#dd3333″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

15. West Coast Vape Supply

west coast vape supplyIf you’re no stranger to e-liquid, chances are you’ve heard about West Coast Vape Supply. The company is one of the largest e-liquid distributors in the world, and they’ve become quite known for their hardware selection as well. The brand first started in August 2013, right in the heart of Nevada, Las Vegas! Quickly climbing its way to incredible success, West Coast Vape Supply has left many of us shocked in what they were able to achieve in the world of vaping. We feel that West Coast Vape Supply is one of the top 25 best vape shops online for the mere selection of e-liquid they offer, from bundles to nic salts to every brand imaginable, they’ve got it all!

[mks_button size=”large” title=”SHOP WEST COAST VAPE SUPPLY HERE” style=”rounded” url=”” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#dd3333″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”1″]

Blake Brown
Blake Brown

Blake is the owner and creator of the Guide To Vaping blog. He has expressed his passion for the vaping industry through his deeply rooted and highly informative content. Being a writer and content provider for the vaping industry for year's, Blake has also gained experience from working with multiple blogs and well respected companies.

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  1. I really enjoyed reading this! You gave me a few new shops to check out, which is one of my favorite things to do. I was surprised not to see Breazy-they have good prices and great sales on juice, along with some of the best deals you can find on hardware. That’s not a complaint, but I am curious on why you didn’t include them. I was happy NOT to see VaporFi, Halo, and the others that are usually found on top of “Best of…” lists online. This one is a keeper! Thank you!

    • Laura, I’m glad you found some use out of this list. I made this list sharing the perks and why I feel these online vape shops are what I consider the best over many others. I’m biased to many, I would like to point out because I’m affiliated with them all, have worked with them in some way, or have purchased from them myself. I’m also affiliated with both Halo and VaporFi as well but I didn’t feel they beat out the rest of the shops on this list.

  2. Hi Blake, Thank you for giving some great ideas about knowing the best shops for vapes to go. Vaping can really give us a lot of fun, was my first great experience is when started to use vape. I buy some vapes near in our local areas here. If I’m not mistaken it was juul wraps. I had great experience there and also get some custom juuls as well. Totally, your giving us a great blog.

  3. Just for transparency sake you might want to mention that these are affiliate links.

  4. Thanks for taking your time for putting in the work it takes to bring us in The Vape world/ communities so much information and awesome deals so very much appreciated and very many levels

  5. Um I dont know about this list the #1 reason being that Eight Vape is not on this list and should be in the #1 spot imo. Nobody beats Eight Vapes prices, selection, fast shipping and customer service. Im sure this is a biased list based on the stores that pay you for posting their deals….. Ejuice Connect has an F rating with the Better Business Bureau. Their customer service is horrible! Most people are even lucky to get their orders.

  6. Great List. But i am always surprised when no one ever includes Eightvape. They have by far the best prices of any vape shop anywhere. And you would be hard pressed to find anywhere that will beat them in e juice prices. Even the discount e juices. Like Mike Vapes Hit that Donut….$9 bucks. Or 120ML Candy or Cookie King for $10 bucks. They always have awesome sales. They are my go to shop and their customer service is very good. And no i don’t work for them. Ecig-City is another one. . If they have it in stock im deffinatly ordering from them. If not then Element Vape or VaporDNA. DNA has by far the most selection. Direct Vapor just seems behind and way way over priced. Still selling the SMOK Alien kit for $79….what!!!!

  7. I am curious tho as to why you would recommend people to shops that are SO overpriced? I just looked at that era vape….they are asking $149 for the Aimidi Mod….when at eightvape you can get it for $54. They are asking $90 for the Smok Alien kit… eightvape thats $35. Their prices are so high they have to be taking advantage of new vaporers. No way would a seasoned vaporer pay that much. That actually pisses me off that they would charge so much for that. If a new vapor comes along to their shop trying to quit smoking those prices would probably turn them away. Dont drive people to that kind of crap. That shop should be on a list of shops to stay away from.

  8. I guess this is an okay list but you forgot to include hands down one of the best online Vape shops that has one of the best selections of products along with very low prices especially on ejuice and that is…..Eight Vape! Why were they not included?

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