A whopping 180 days have went by since the FDA released its Proposed Regulations. They originally gave us until July 9th as a deadline to submit our comments on the written regulations and thankfully advocates along with many others done their work to encourage the FDA to extend that comment period. The FDA then extended that comment period to August 8th, 2014… which is today.
Many of us have our own opinions of this written regulation that would highly affect this industry, and to each his own. However, if what the FDA has written is set in stone, it will cripple the small electronic cigarette shops in your area and would literally hand the industry to the large e-cigarette companies, such as the ones big tobacco owns.
If you have not already submitted your comment, then DO NOT complain when this industry gets ripped right from under our feet. I think we both agree that electronic cigarettes saved you, so now it’s your time to save electronic cigarettes. Do your part, show that you care and submit a comment to the FDA telling them you do not agree with their written regulations and that it would cripple the industry.
Do not pass it off and say “everyone else will be submitting their comment, so my 1 comment won’t make a difference”. If you’re thinking that, you’re absolutely wrong. Your comment will make a huge difference. If everyone thought like that, we would quickly and easily lose this industry. I’m pleading with you, it takes a total of 5 minutes out of your time.
If you’ve used the Free-To-Vape Petition to submit your comment, it does not help with the FDA’s commenting process and will not be used. You have to manually go to the FDA’s comment form and submit your comment directly. There were many rumors that went around where people thought Free-To-Vape would submit for them, but it doesn’t work that way. By so many thinking this, we’ve lost thousands of comments that would have potentially made it to the FDA’s comment form. That said, take the 5 minutes and submit your comment directly if you have not.
The Consumer Advocates For Smoke-Free Alternatives (CASAA) has been giving guidance ever since the proposed regulations were released in preparation on how and when to submit your comment to the FDA.
The deadline for submitting your comments is August 8th, 2014. For consumers that need guidance, please visit CASAA and for Vapor Industry Business Owners, please visit SFATA for guidance.
Go here to submit your comment to the FDA.