An indoor air quality study conducted by CHANGE, LLC at the Center for Air Resources Engineering and Science at Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY was ...
Have you heard someone say that before? - Don't take it literal. Just for some of you that have, I'll give you a few extra safety tips and after you read them, ...
It hasn't been a common thing to see vapers in public and it's only been a hope in the minds of the ones who have been at it for years. As time runs on, many ...
When you think of the saying "Vape it like you stole it", how do you take it? - I'm not sure about you, but some people are literally vaping like they stole ...
(From By Mehreen Khan - Aug 25, 2012 5:40 AM CT Electronic cigarettes used by smokers who want to kick the habit show no connection ...
Everyone is familiar with the “war” against electronic cigarettes. It is worldwide phenomenon, with scientists, scientific associations and public ...
Once again, "Clearstream" brings a challenge to anyone involved in the researching and reporting of ecigs and ecig effectiveness or safety. FA ...
Have you ever wondered if Electronic Cigarettes would get big enough to make it to TV? - Wonder no more... blu Electronic Cigarettes who was recently bought ...
For most, it doesn't come as a shock that our media outlets sensationalize and even propagate bad information. Those close to ecigs and vaping are all too ...
Feeling a bit down on your luck lately? - or maybe you're just tired of the gazillion to one odds you have playing the lotto. Whatever the case may be, Guide ...
The electronic cigarette industry is growing. According to a recent survey conducted by the Wells Fargo Securities Tobacco Talk, the electronic cigarette ...
By Andy Bockelman Whether you’re considering quitting smoking, cutting back on the habit or just providing some research data, now is the time to sign up for ...