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With the added weight from last year, you would think desserts would be a first option for me, surprisingly it isn't. I'm a really picky eater and one of my ...

Those red, white and blue popsicle's that you used to pay a dollar and a half for every time the ice cream truck made his way around your neighborhood... yea, ...

The Tesla just happens to have a menu system and offers variable voltage and variable wattage like many of the newer APV's (Advanced Personal Vaporizers) ...

As you may know I receive various flavors of e-liquid that vendors send me to try, and review. Most of the time after I give a review of a flavor, it doesn't ...

We've all got such the selection in flavors and when it comes to beverage e-liquid flavors, it's always tough to find one that is dead on or at least close to ...

The Joyetech eVic has become the hot topic since its announcement back in November 27th, 2012. The eVic or Vapor Intelligent Cigarette is the first ...

When you purchase a watermelon liquid, you are expecting it to taste like a watermelon, right? Well, this isn't the case here at all.  When I first vaped with ...

The CE5+ Clearomizer from Crimson Vapor is the typical shape of your CE series tanks, but it looks like the manufactures are finally starting to get it. Rather ...

This Abyss has an assortment of flavors mixed just for a truly awesome vape. If you're into fruit and candy vapes, then you're in for quite the surprise when ...

This Cherry Vanilla Cola has a taste that is similar to an e-liquid that I've vaped before. Though it does resemble that vape, it's a good thing, because these ...

With the first LavaTube review we wrote here at GuideToVaping, we told you how we were amazed at how much you get with a LavaTube Kit for such a small asking ...

Being that the only flavors I've tried from happens to be in my "All Day Vape" category, I decided to try another in hopes to add it to that list. I ...

Guide To Vaping