(The above picture is the inner workings of the Dual Coil Atomizer.)
In our time of vaping, we always continue our search for that perfect mod, perfect e-liquid and in this case, that perfect atomizer. With our search comes the highs and the lows of vaping, but when you hit those lows, you simply shrug it off as another experience to add to the list of others and continue on.
With that being said… this was another one of those products I just had to ‘shrug’ off.
While I attended the Atlanta Vape Meet, I was talking to Bruce from Clouds of Vapor and plundering through his table of vape goodness. Through my plundering I found the 1.5ohm Dual Coil Atomizers. I’ve used dual coil cartomizers and happened to be using one in my tank at the time, but I’ve never tried a dual coil ‘atomizer’, so I purchased one to try out. When I was talking to Bruce about these DC Atomizers, he said that these dca’s could take a few more drops than a normal atomizer. The next day I put about 6 drops in to get it going and took a few pulls, then a bit more juice. My first impressions of the dual coil atomizer was great. It hit great and produced a cloud of vapor. The flavor stood out great and I was overall pleased, until… the next day.
The next day I was still using the dual coil atomizer and slowly over time during that day, I began to notice that the pulls were getting tighter and with that, the performance started dropping. The atomizer seems to work great, but it also seems that it isn’t one to last long either. Keep in mind that I only have 1 of these dual coil atomizers and didn’t want to leave my judgement solely on this 1 alone. We all know atomizers and cartomizers are a hit and miss product. Some of them will arrive working and some of them won’t, yet some of them will last 1 day and others will last over a months time. In this case, I found myself a 2 day atty.
I don’t feel that this review is much of anything unless I get a second opinion and lucky me, Troop just happened to have used a dual coil atomizer in the past.
I thought the DC atty’s were great upon first vape. Somewhere between that first vape and the 2nd day they seem to decrease in quality. They just didn’t impress throughout their whole, short, lifespan. I’ve tried 4 of them, but just don’t see any benefit to them because of the low performance that I’ve experienced.
Overall: The Dual Coil Atomizer started off strong with performance, produced clouds of vapor and flavor was great, however… it does seem to get tired very quickly and will leave you back to your normal search. If you do ever find it, please let us know. I do think this is a great atomizer if the performance was more consistent. If you’re interested in trying out some products like this Dual Coil Atomizer or many others, please visit www.CloudsOfVapor.com
(Note: I’ve used the dual coil atomizer on multiple devices including The LavaTube, RoughStack V2 and BombShell.)