In GuideToVaping’s latest Poll, we asked you the viewers, “How long you’ve been vaping?”. We’ve known that the majority of our viewers and subscribers are new to electronic cigarettes, but we wanted to get a display in hands of exactly how long you’ve been vaping and then display these interesting results to the public.
With e-cigarettes rapidly growing, more smokers are making the switch to the better (IMO) alternative. Now is the time when the outsiders, meaning the ones who don’t already know about electronic cigarette, are starting to catch on, take interest and search the net. As in 2011 the electronic cigarette quickly became a big hit, judging by these numbers, you can surely expect by the end of 2012, many more users will look at tobacco cigarettes as a thing of the past and take e-cigarettes into the future.
With a total amount of 200 voters, you can see above that the majority of viewers said that they’ve been vaping between 0 to 6 months. Not falling too far behind was a show of hands from those that have a year or two under their belt. Surprisingly out of the 200 voters, we had 11 of them that started vaping that same day they stumbled onto this poll and I can only hope those numbers rise. A small 7 votes casted from our viewers that said they’ve been vaping for 3 to 4 years. It’s understanding as there isn’t a huge crowd of vapers dating back that far, so seeing even 7 is nice to know and it in a way makes you wonder about this online community’s history.
The results you see here before you is a sign of improvement and hope. It should let you know that big amount of people are making the switch to electronic cigarettes and that is inspiration to keep spreading the word, helping where possible and continuing the fight.
This Poll was started on November 18th, 2011 and results were taken for this article on December 28th, 2011. This Poll received 200 votes in a period of 41 days.
Thanks to all of you who participated in our latest featured poll.