I hate tobacco vapes. To clarify- I hate most tobacco vapes that I’ve tried. It seems all too common that I end up getting old ashtray tasting tobacco eliquid- or a “wanna be like tobacco, but clearly isn’t close” ejuice. With that said, my all day vape is a maple tobacco- very light on the tobacco, and the maple as well. It’s good. The first time I had the chance to try the Pipesauce from ePipeMods.com, I turned it down. It was at VaperCon 2011, there were a lot of juices to try- and the Pipesauce juices had an overwhelming scent to them. Definitely aromatic. Dank. I didn’t feel like experimenting with another tobacco juice, didn’t have a stock of clean attys- I passed it up.
You may recognize the Pipesauce line-up by the awesome art on the “medicinal tincture” looking bottles. The packaging is for sure unique. While the bottle and artwork may stand out, the open top with dripper is an accident waiting to happen- and it did. I knocked over the bottle while writing this, with about 4ml spilling onto my desk. Round dripper bottles are one thing- but bump this bottle the wrong way and it’s more likely to knock over. …But the juice… Why did I ever pass this up the first time? I’m glad I didn’t pass up the second opportunity. This stuff is damn good to my palette.
Shire Malt
First, I tried the Shire Malt. I’ve tasted a “Malty” before, but this was more complex. This is a nice, thick vapor producing malted tobacco. Very nice. If you are a malty fan, you need to try this. If you are a malty AND tobacco fan- just go get it now. Without cutting the Shire Malt short, the non-malted brother juice (did I just say that?) …the other flavor I’m checking out is…
Long Bottom Leaf
The taste: Spiced tobacco leaf? I can’t put my finger on it, this seems to be another more complex blend of flavors. The aftertaste gave me the welcomed tobacco aftertaste of a good pipe or cigar- not an ashtray. +1 ePipeMods! Very well done!
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For a history of Longbottom Leaf, we turn to Wikipedia…
Pipe-weed (also known as Halflings’ Leaf) is a Tobacco developed and enjoyed much by the hobbits of the Shire, which was first introduced there by Tobold Hornblower. Pipe-weed production is a major industry there, especially in the south. Among the Dúnedain it is known as sweet galenas, and in Gondor it grows as a wild plant, appreciated primarily for its sweet-scented flowers.
Longbottom Leaf was apparently brought to Middle-earth by Númenóreans during the Second Age. It was first grown among hobbits by Tobold Hornblower in Longbottom (a region in the Shire) around S.R. 1070 (TA 2670). Despite its foreign origins, the hobbits (possibly those in Bree) were the first to use it for smoking.
Popular varieties of pipe-weed include Longbottom Leaf, Old Toby (which is named after Tobold Hornblower), Southern Star, and Southlinch, which is grown in Bree.
In Closing
Both of these flavors are a must try for anyone that is looking for a good tobacco vape. Taste is very subjective. I prefer tobacco with other flavors such as cherrywood and maplewood vs. the ashtray flavors. These two flavors from ePipeMods get a thumbs up from me.
Hai sir…… How to order ur flavor………
Please respond to my email: [email protected]
I hated Long Bottom Leaf – I used to smoke a pipe, and this smells like a cheap and nasty cherry cavendish tobacco. Ugh! That smell overpowers everything. It’s like being slapped in the face with every puff. I doubt hobbits (if they were real) would make something this nasty and unsubtle. The only thing I do like about it is that it actually does have an odor, but it’s the wrong one.