Smartvapes Electronic Cigarettes is the first and only e cigarette vendor bring you the SmartVapes Dripping Atomizer™, The first electronic cigarette Atomizer built just for direct dripping ejuice or eliquid onto your e cigarette atomizer, at Smartvapes Electronic Cigarettes we believe the best electronic cigarette starter kits are what you the customer wants, when you buy e cigarettes you should be able to customize them to your needs and your budget. There are many different ways to Vape and someday SmartVapes will cover them all for you at a price that will suit. So please have a look around, if you don’t see what you need, create a account, drop us a note and join the newsletter, we are adding merchandise weekly.
What We’re Giving Away
There will be 2 winners in this weeks giveaway. Each winner will be contacted after the giveaway and details will be given to claim the gift.
- 1 X 30mL Bottle of SV101 E-Liquid (First Winner)
- 1 X 30mL Bottle of Wet Dreams E-Liquid (Second Winner)
How To Participate
In order to participate and have a chance at winning, you must reply to this post and tell us how long you’ve been vaping. The contest will start on a Wednesday, then continue on for two weeks, ending on a Wednesday. At the end of the contest we will record a video of us using a number generator and which ever number it generates, we will find that numbered reply, contact the winner and announce the winners name and that the contest has ended. If you didn’t win, don’t worry… We will be starting another giveaway that same Wednesday.
Giveaway ends on 11/09/2011 and on that day we will announce the two winners.
Congrats to Ben Grant and Joe for winning e-liquid from SmartVapes.com
SV101 E-Liquid: Ben Grant
Wet Dreams E-Liquid: Joe
[youtube id=”1aaCdpskgUc” width=”600″ height=”350″]
Good Luck Vapers!
I started vaping September 21st, 2011 which was also the last day that I had a Newport. My life has been changed for the better thanks to all of you veteran vapers out there for providing good, solid information in order to help me make informed purchasing decisions to make sure I am having the best vaping experience ever!! Thank you everyone and long live the vapor!!!
I started vaping March 1, 2011. I spent a little time switching between the two but when I got my first Ego I switched to vaping full time. I feel better and have met some really cool people along the way. To me vaping not only saved my life but made life worth living. I have some awesom friends that go beyond just vaping. I have learned so much from everyone and am paying it forward and teaching those that are still stuck in the analog rut. Thank you everyone and am looking forward to more vaping goodness in the future.
I’ve been vaping since July 25th 2011. This community is so warm supportive and informative i can’t help but feel at home. It really is a genuinely awesome community and ive formed some strong amazing friendships in the past 3 months. Love you all 🙂
vaping since 9/11/09, one of the 3 best decisions I’ve ever made
I switched the day after my Birthday – April 20 this year. We bought the eGo as a birthday present in fact, but I’d been wanting to quit smoking for a while before that (40 a day for 20 years was literally killing me). Haven’t touched an analog since it arrived that bright spring morning – and now I’m doing everything I can to help others make the switch! 🙂
I quite smoking right after dragoncon in Atlanta. It was a way to get through long panels without having to run out for a smoke. Needless to say I was hooked and shortly after I returned home, I never touched another analog since. It has now almost been two months and boy have I been having fun with vaping!!!
I started vaping August 2010. I had no idea how much it would change my life! Vaping and vapers rock!
Vaped for the first time in 2009 but really got into it and gave up the analogs in August 2011. I can be contacted with the email left for the comment =]
I put down the stink sticks on 21 July 2011, and have been vaping happily ever after.
can i just enter to win the wet dreams? LOL <3 yall!
I got my Go-go PV on may 1st 2011, At that time I had 1/2 carton of red’s left in my truck. I smoked for 38 years,and for the last ten of that , it was 2 packs a day….Since I got my Go-go PV, I havn’t touched an analog. OH yeah, I gave away the rest of those nasty packs of ashes.
vaped for 4 years plus… Blake if you dont know how to contact me at this point same on you
I have been vaping since December 18, 2010. Thank you to Smart Vapes for supporting the L.A. Vapers Club!!
7-26-11 and i love me some sv 101 lol.
I hope people looking to quit smoking find this site and thanks for the work you guys put into it. -j.rose
I have been vaping Since 04/06/2011 and i have not had a analog since….Thanks for letting us Participate in your giveaway…..
Whut up ya’ll I’ve only been vaping for 2 mouths
I have been vaping since 8-13-2010 after smoking for over 40 years, and I just LOVE it!!!
Contact: spacekitty @ ECF
Edit: I see that you have changed that part of the rule and edited the other posts as well… Thanks!!
Thank you for replying and pointing it out about the emails. I wasn’t even thinking about that. (haha) – I removed your other posts so that it didn’t mess with the giveaway. Again, thank you very much LouPop13 and good luck!!
I started vaping around Nov or Dec of 2009…so my 2 year anniversary is coming up:)
P.S. and havent smoke ONE analog since i started vaping.(first ecig-Joye 510,first big batt mod-SB…and I still havent sold it cuz of sentiment attached to it)
Hi everyone! I just started “Vaping” and have NO idea what I am doing but I have GOT to stop smoking cigarettes! I was diagnosed with COPD (bronchittis) Thank God, not the other one!! I only have the Vanilla Juice, haha but I am looking forward to getting the other flavors, little bits at a time!! I am looking forward to joining the CHAT to learn more about VAPING!! I hope I win!! hehe Good luck everyone!! God Bless everyone that reads this!!!
Got my first e-cig in December of 2008, a RN4081 Super-Mini. Graduated to a 601 e-Pipe. After the 3rd replacement one of those cracked wide open and bled juice all over me, I quit in disgust. In August of 2009 discovered we had a new baby on the way and was determined to return to vaping. Started combing the forums and learned about all the new improved models and advancements that had been made while I was out… Including the introduction of premium USA made e-liquid! Meanwhile vaping on an old resurrected “Frankenstein-ed” e-pipe. Shortly afterward purchased an eGo with a 1000 mah battery and haven’t looked back at analogs since. So total vaping time (minus equipment failure frustrations) approximately 30 months. Vaping exclusively (no analogs whatsoever) for almost 2 years now. What a difference the right gear makes!
been vaping for a year and a half now .. and plan to vape foreeeeeeeverrr -:)
going on seven months now, wish I had started sooner
Been vaping since March of this year and am 6 months cigarette free today!!!!
I’ve only been vaping for a month but i have completely quit the analogs, vaping has changed my life love it !!!!
I have been vaping and NOT smoking for 5 weeks now!! Love my Ego!
congrats to the winners!