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ecig study

Earlier this month an article was released sharing that a new cancer study was published and found vaping to be much safer than smoking.  In fact, the ...

  Sharing your latest vape mail or your current vape setup on Twitter recently?  If so, you may have contributed to a vape study that recently took ...

Electronic cigarette use, or vaping, has been around for a decade.  In that time, despite what some organizations would have you believe, there hasn't been a ...

For years, better said since its existence, vaping has been scrutinized because of its relation to traditional cigarettes and its close similarities to the act ...

There has been a new study that has surfaced from Penn State's College of Medicine, and it's showing that the addictiveness of ecigs are lower than tobacco ...

Published in early May 2014 to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, a study proves that e-cigarettes are a valid option for ...

With the industry's latest science, Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos led a study comparing nicotine absorption between first (stick ecig) and new-gen devices ...

Just yesterday AEMSA announced its sponsorship of a Clinical Study led by Dr. Farsalinos that has been presented to the FDA for AEMSA's 3rd "Listening ...

This same time 2 years ago, the Clearstream-AIR Study was released covering ecigs and second vapor - finding that there is NO harm found in exhaled vapor from ...

On August 8th, CASAA or The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives announced that its first CASAA Research Funded study has confirmed that the ...

Guide To Vaping