From an explanation to a heartfelt story of a former tobacco smoker who made the switch, many enthusiasts and organizations are not only pleading for electronic cigarettes, they’re enduring a battle for them.
They’re on the front lines to inform, educate and fight for vapers and these miracle devices we call electronic cigarettes. Various vapers and organizations like CASAA (Consumer Advocates For Smoke-Free Alternatives Association), AEMSA (Amercian E-Liquid Manufacturing Standards Associations), Bill Godshall from Smoke-Free PA and Linc Williams from the on-going “We Are Vapers” documentary film, express their passion by devoting their valuable time and effort into fighting for our rights, our cause and as many of the e-cig users know… our lives. Do you remember that indoor ban on e-cigarettes in your local state or even the latest FDA hearing? – These were the people along with many others fighting for this cause.
The battle for electronic cigarettes didn’t just start, it’s been a slow and tense on-going process for activists and the everyday electronic cigarette user. Now that e-cigarettes are being more publicized by the media and the world is catching wind (or in this case vapor) of these devices, the battle is becoming more known. In September 2010, the FDA issued a number of warning letters to electronic cigarette distributors for various violations of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act including “violations of good manufacturing practices, making unsubstantiated drug claims, and using the devices as delivery mechanisms for active pharmaceutical ingredients.”
FDA has determined that the electronic cigarette products addressed in the warning letters to the distributors, and similar products, are subject to FDA regulation as drugs. Under the FDCA, a company cannot claim that its drug can treat or mitigate a disease, such as nicotine addiction, unless the drug’s safety and effectiveness have been proven. Yet all five companies claim without FDA review of relevant evidence that the products help users quit smoking cigarettes.
It’s understandable to stop drug claims and such without solid proof, but for the FDA to not understand how electronic cigarettes can help users quit smoking tobacco cigarettes after even the smallest amount of research is quite shocking. It always consists of proof, they’re here to protect the public and I know the intentions of the FDA are well, but I’m trying to weigh in if it’s the lack of comprehension or if there is more to it than the same thing we keep hearing “not enough substantial proof”. This is the part where I would compare the two (electronic cigarettes versus tobacco cigarettes), but it isn’t needed, because it’s merely common sense that ‘they’ fail to understand.
For more recent news concerning the FDA’s actions and events, Please visit
Everyday these people mentioned above are informing, speaking, providing proof and encouraging other electronic cigarette users to come forward and tell their own miracle story. But.. that isn’t enough… why? – Many studies on e-cigarettes have been conducted already and more are being conducted right now. Will it take another 29% of lung cancer deaths each year in the U.S. alone, or will it take another 1,000 house fires each year caused by tobacco cigarettes?
Believe it or not, but many people are trying to paint electronic cigarettes red, like they’re the devil… yet each time they walk out of a retail store they’re bombarded with the stench of tobacco smoke and risk of 2nd hand smoke. See: Clearstream Air Study: Ecigs and 2nd Hand Vapor – And you want to actually question if this alternative is better for the public? – Are you surprised by that study? Who would have ever known that we could completely eliminate second smoke in restaurants, houses and from those little kids who don’t have a choice to not be around it.
I initially created the because I wanted to help others. Each day thousands of users are coming to this site just like you have and you can be apart of this movement. You can help by spreading the word about electronic cigarettes and the battle we endure just so we can save another life. If you don’t think it’s that serious, I beg to differ.
The battle may be tough and though many concern for its future, we do have the market, we do have the power in numbers and we will succeed.
This article is dedicated to the ones fighting for electronic cigarettes and the organizations standing in front of it all.Thank you.