3. Freakshow Mini RDA
At only 17mm in height and 22mm in diameter, the Freakshow Mini sizes up right there with the smallest of them. However, the Freakshow Mini takes a different approach with its design, offering bottom airflow, which comes from underneath the coils for maximum flavor. Additionally, the Freakshow Mini is constructed of 304 stainless steel, has heated dissipation fins, slotted post holes, negative posts are milled into the deck, the drip tip hole is delrin insulated, allen key post screws, silver plated contacts, a deep 5mm drip well, and it supports both single and dual builds with the option of adjusting the airflow to match the single or dual setup.
The original Freakshow became such a popular dripping atomizer because it has the amazing bottom airflow. Now, you’re able to get the same great airflow in a more condensed chamber to increase the Freakshow Mini’s already bold flavor production.
Freakshow Mini RDA: GET IT HERE