From Jason @
Hey guys, we could really use your help!
We here at ElectroNicStix Corp. have been diligently trying to fight for Utahn’s Right to vape.
Rep. Bradley Last introduced H.B. 245 Which is trying to include hookahs and Electronic Cigarettes in the Utah indoor clean air act. We have been to multiple Meetings in Salt Lake at the Capitol and Many Hearings. We have tried to present factual data to them and they keep ignoring us… we need your help, This is important if you want to protect your right to vape in Utah.
The Way the bill reads is basically as Follows:
Vaping in all public buildings will be BANNED. You will only be able to Vape in a retail establishment that sells electronic cigarettes as long as that establishments sales are 75% electronic cigarettes or more. (This means you can’t do it in a smoke shop.) – And this is only for 5 years. The law “Sunsets” in 5 years and has to be re-visited.
Today we presented them with the results of the IVAQS Study ( and they did not even take it with a grain of salt, they pretty much ignored it and stated that there are NO studies that prove the exhaled vapor is not harmful, Even though we HANDED them PROOF on paper. So please, all of you Call everyone on this list Blow up their e-mail boxes, Fill up their voice mail boxes!! – Call their Home Phone Numbers! – These Senators are Overstepping and Trying to Take away the Rights of every e-cig user in Utah! – This is our VERY LAST CHANCE TO STOP THIS!! – IF IT PASSES THE SENATE, IT GOES INTO LAW!
Below I will post a link This will allow you to just post your name into an e mail and hit send and have it go to all the senators! It literally takes two or three minutes!
Vapebans link:
Utah Senate Roster Link
Casaa Call to action Link
I Want to personally Thank you for your time, we do appreciate it!
-Jason and the rest of the ElectroNicStix Crew