Though in the past I wasn’t too big on trying a lot of new brands, nor willing to venture far from my all day vapes, Vape Panda was one brand that I was very interested in trying since it has become such a big hit with friends locally. That said, today you are viewing the Vape Panda Lotus Petal E-Liquid Review, which is accompanied by a VaporShark rDNA30 that is paired with a SubTank Mini.
Quality / Packaging
The Vape Panda e-liquid has a quality taste to it that gives off an overall pleasurable experience. Even vaping at 6mg, and 30 watts on a .5Ω coil, there is no harshness or overpowering of nicotine. I can’t describe much on the base of this e-liquid since I haven’t tried any other Vape Panda flavored liquids, but the quality in this flavor seems fine and enjoyable.
The bottle that Lotus Petal comes in is absolutely amazing, and I can not stop raving about this packaging. Instead of being in a dripper glass bottle or one where you have to unscrew a cap, it comes in a soft plastic bottle and you aren’t forced to unscrew a cap… you simply flip the top lid on the cap up, drip or squirt your e-liquid and easily snap it back on. I like this bottle more than any other bottle I’ve used and I honestly wish other e-liquid manufacturers would catch on to these bottles. They make things easier on the consumer, allowing them to hold their tank parts in one hand or atomizer and cap in one hand, while with the other hand you can flip the top cap, drip e-liquid, snap it back on and you’re good to go. It simply just makes life easier. The label they’ve used has this Japanese type look to it, which is the best I can describe. Under the picture used, which I have no clue what it is, is the text “One Life, One Love”. Underneathe that is the name of the flavor “Lotus Petal,” and just below states the nicotine strength, this particular bottle being 6mg. The label also includes appropriate warnings, listed ingredients, and states “Bamboo Elixir by Vape Panda”.
The Lotus Petal flavor is described as a wild hibiscus flavor that gives it a sweet and tangy note, and the addition of a kiwi peach tea. I’m not sure on the hibiscus as I’ve never tried it, but I can definitely taste hints of the kiwi peach tea. The flavor is very unique and to be quite honest, it’s a bit hard to describe. However, I can tell you it has this melon’y / flower type taste to it, but without the prefume’y taste that you would think from that description. I’ve been enjoying this flavor a lot and I’ve been vaping it for going on 3 months. Each time I run out, I think I can go with another flavor in my SubTank Mini, but I always end up making my way back to Vape Panda’s Lotus Petal e-liquid. This is just one of those flavors that you’ve have to try for yourself.
Vapor Production
As I mentioned in the start of this review, I’m pushing 30 watts to a .5Ω SubTank Mini OCC coil. Moreover, Lotus Petal is a 60% VG – 40% PG ratio, so don’t expect this to be something to chase clouds with, but it certainly still puts out a good amount of vapor. I also haven’t ever tried dripping this liquid, so I’m not sure what kind of experience you’ll receive out of it, but I’m sure the flavor will definitely come alive on a decent atomizer build. Why I only use the SubTank Mini for this flavor is because I feel like it’s the perfect setup for my liking… 30 watts, .5Ω and on Lotus Petal… you should try it!