We gave the electronic cigarette community an opportunity to choose who and what was the best of 2013… and we’ve heard your voice this year loud and clear. Here are the results for Guide To Vaping’s Best of 2013 – Vape Vendors and Community.
I would like to thank MadVapes.com for being our sponsor for this year’s event. Because of MadVapes, we were able to provide a beautifully designed award that will be sent to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for the Overall – Best of 2013 category.
Vendors, please contact me if you’re interested in participating in next years event. I’m hoping to step things up throughout the year as well and hold large giveaways. Once you pick up your awards, I ask that you please link back to this page from the award. Thank you!
Without further ado, here are the results for The Best of 2013 – Vape Vendors and Community.
Company: Overall – Best of 2013
- 1st Place: Fast Tech
- 2nd Place: Discount Vapers
- 3rd Place: MT Baker Vapor
- Total Votes 1st Place: 1,583
- Total Votes 2nd Place: 1,101
- Total Votes 3rd Place: 1,077
- Total Category Votes: 5,109
- 1st Place Award Pick-Up Here (Please contact me so that I can ship your award)
- 2nd Place Award Pick-Up Here (Please contact me so that I can ship your award)
- 3rd Place Award Pick-Up Here (Please contact me so that I can ship your award)
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best E-Liquid Company 2013
- Mountain Oak Vapors
- Total Votes: 1,480
- Total Category Votes: 4,734
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Most Creative E-Liquid Flavor 2013
- Radiator Pluid
- Total Votes: 1,217
- Total Category Votes: 3,275
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best One-Stop-Shop 2013
- Fast Tech
- Total Votes: 1,459
- Total Category Votes: 3,383
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Most Seen Vendor 2013
- Fast Tech
- Total Votes: 1,752
- Total Category Votes: 3,144
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Pricing: E-Liquid 2013
- MT Baker Vapor
- Total Votes: 1,737
- Total Category Votes: 3,635
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Pricing: Batteries 2013
- Fast Tech
- Total Votes: 1,290
- Total Category Votes: 2,927
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Pricing: Accessories 2013
- Fast Tech
- Total Votes: 1,722
- Total Category Votes: 2,868
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Customer Service 2013
- MT Baker Vapor
- Total Votes: 1,278
- Total Category Votes: 3,326
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Tank System: Rebuildables 2013
- Kayfun (Series)
- Total Votes: 1,516
- Total Category Votes: 2,749
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Tank System: Clearomizers 2013
- Protank (Series)
- Total Votes: 1,729
- Total Category Votes: 3,200
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Cartomizer 2013
- Boge
- Total Votes: 1,433
- Total Category Votes: 2,437
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Atomizer 2013
- Joyetech
- Total Votes: 1,063
- Total Category Votes: 2,237
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Mod / APV 2013
- MVP (Series)
- Total Votes: 1,096
- Total Category Votes: 3,861
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Must Have Accessory 2013
- Ohm Meter
- Total Votes: 1,604
- Total Category Votes: 3,167
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Vape Network 2013
- Nova Broadcasting
- Total Votes: 2,061
- Total Category Votes: 3,484
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Vape Show 2013
- Mod Envy
- Total Votes: 2,112
- Total Category Votes: 3,555
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Vape Host 2013
- Dimitris (VapinGreek)
- Total Votes: 2,137
- Total Category Votes: 4,781
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Ecig Forum 2013
- E Cigarette Forum (ECF)
- Total Votes: 1,815
- Total Category Votes: 3,089
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Ecig Blog 2013
- Vapor Joes
- Total Votes: 2,184
- Total Category Votes: 4,722
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Ecig Reviewer 2013
- Phil Busardo (PBusardo)
- Total Votes: 1,734
- Total Category Votes: 4,290
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Best Organization 2013
- Total Votes: 2,646
- Total Category Votes: 3,338
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
Vaping’s Biggest Supporter 2013
- Total Votes: 2,179
- Total Category Votes: 5,012
- Award Pick-Ups Here
- Nominee Awards Available – Contact me if you would like one.
- Total Categories: 23
- Total Votes From All Categories: 82,323
This year’s “Best of” event went a little south. There were many people complaining about the polls not working properly, which is my fault and I apologize for it (new and faster server going up at the beginning of the new year). Many of you also complained about who and what companies were in the top 5 polls. This is where the community comes into play… when I gave you the opportunity to share the entries phase of this event with the rest of the community, many of you ignored me. Then, once I tallied up the top 5 to be on the live polls, you then came and seen what the polls looked like and you were in disappointment because your favorite person or vendor wasn’t there or in the lead.
Understand this. I do not control what happens with these polls and my sharing ability with the community can only reach so far. Even if you do not ever visit Guide To Vaping, nor care about the information I write, please follow this blog on one of the many social networks so you’ll be aware for next years event. Even though you might not think it, but Guide To Vaping is visited by MANY new vapers each day and these polls affect who they initially purchase from, what reviewer they watch or what product they use. We want to guide them in the right direction… so your vote and your reach within the community are important.
To address the issue about Vapor Joe and Fast Tech: I must admit, Vapor Joe definitely has a following and he definitely made an impact on the polls this year, but I promise you, his following is only a grain of the whole community. Don’t come down on Vapor Joe and use him as an excuse for you not sharing with the community to vote. In addition, Vapor Joe didn’t hold a gun to these peoples head and make them vote for Fast Tech… they control the polls and they voted for Fast Tech themselves.
This year’s Best of event may have turned you off from liking or visiting Guide To Vaping, and it could have possibly brought you here and you enjoy what I’ve built. Whatever the feeling is, know that I’ve done my part in this community. I’ve received a lot of slack about the ads on this website. These ads help support my family, and in return I’m able to stay home and continuously produce information about electronic cigarettes that thousands of people per day read. Keep our community a positive one and stop being negative. We already have enough to deal with, and instead we want to take our frustrations out on each other? – This isn’t the community we should be… we should be encouraging others to do better, just as we encourage others to switch from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes. As a blog, I have competition, like Steve Vape, Ecig Advanced, Vapor Joes and others, but I used this event to praise them and to let them know they’re the best within this community – to give them credit for working so hard all year… instead of worrying about myself. People, all I’m saying is, be kind and encourage others to be great. I want people in this community I can call friends, not people who bash or hate me. That is all.
Thank you all for participating in Guide To Vaping’s Best of 2013 and Congrats to those who won.
I for one want to thank you for all of your effort putting this together for the vaping community as a whole.
Perhaps next time use the “capture thingie” to rule out the possibility of “Bots” and other things I don’t fully understand so the results are beyond any questions.
Thank you, I really appreciate it. Trust me, next year will be much different. I’ll plan further ahead than I did. I was supposed to hold giveaways, but MadVapes and a few other companies never got back with me on the product. Anyhow, until next time…
The most overlooked: Almost 4x the amount of people voted from the year prior. Now thats the real story!
True stuff. I appreciate your participation and reach to the community, Joe. Between the community, vapor joes, as well as blogs and vendors, I feel the participation was a success. Thank you all!
I also want to thank you, Blake, for what is essentially a “thankless” task. I think you hit the nail right on the head–people don’t give their input, and then complain when their favorites are listed. Sorry, folks, but if you didn’t participate you kind of give up your right to complain. Thanks, Blake, for the service that you provide to the vaping community!
You’re quite welcome. And, Thank you for your participation in the event.
You did a great job. While I had issues with casting my votes (site not not working properly on mobile browsers, even in desktop mode) I think its a valuable addition to the vape community. If there are detractors just ignore them. Fastech won, not because of vapor joe, but because of the value and wide variety of items available. Buyers made a statement this time and said, “vendors, listen up. the days of 300% to 1000% markups are over. Charge a fair price or we will go elsewhere.” We have, in droves. Btw, as a vaper… Vapor Joe never led me to Fasttech. I knew about it even before I knew of his blog. So there ya go. Good work, thank you, and keep on vapin on.
This is my first visit, and am excited to share the site with my customers, current and potential alike. I love the attitude for community togetherness, it is refreshing. Keep up the hard work and look forward to another year.
You don’t know how awesome that is to hear!
First off a big thank you to Blake for all the hard work in putting this poll together, I know its not easy. And now I really believe this is an honest look at what the majority of the vaping community like and where they spend their time and money. Not all of my favs won, but some did, and there is a very good reason for every single winner to be at the top of the list where they are. So to all the winners: Great Job! Thank you for doing what you do and lets all have a healthy, smoke free 2014!!!
Thank you for doing this Blake! This kind of thing always brings out the complainers-some people just look for an opportunity to be negative. C’mon vapers-let’s be about helping people as well as supportive of others in our community!!!
I am fairly new to vaping, a former pack a day smoker for over 30 years, I thank you, for if it wasn’t for people like yourselves who take time and effort to put
the information out there for the newbies to find the info we need to get us off the evils of analogs not sure where we would be, i am glad to have finally joined the non smoking community and just know that you and your site, as well as a few other are part of my success, keep doing what you’re doing you have made a difference,…..
Melvin, thank you for the kind words. It brings joy to me knowing that this site has played a part in helping others. Welcome to the community and keep up the success! Vape on!
The community has spoken. Me personally much prefer Made in USA but at a price I can feel ok about. Joe has helped everyone out the way I see it no problem here. Some people (haters) will never be happy
Something just isn’t right with Fasttech winning so many awards. Over the past year, I have had 3 separate customer service issues with them that have caused me to cease doing business with them ever again. They sell junk for the most part. While I’m not going to start an argument by saying which category in particular I am referring to, one vendor in particular was robbed, and that’s a fact. Any chance you have some IP logs you can look at? Any chance that any votes were cast by bots? Just asking…
Other than FastTech not being a community vendor, and more of a manufacturer of all things, I see nothing wrong with them winning. People obviously like purchasing from FastTech. Rather it be because it’s easily available or because of the low prices, people still dig it.
And yes, I have logs of every IP. I was told by someone that some hacker was using proxies to vote, but there is nothing I can do about that. I’m honestly just so suprised that people are taking this event so seriously. Kinda makes me think I need to strive for an even bigger event next year? – A meet to announce the results? a celebration inviting the ones being voted on? Hmmm…
Lol another vape robber emerges unseen from the grassy knowl
Update: FastTech doesn’t want the award I was supposed to ship them. They instead asked me to email them a picture of it. Hmm…
That’s a bit of a slap in the face on FastTech’s part if you ask me. And to Buffaloguy, VaporJoes may not have been the sole reason FastTech won, but he sure as hell had a hand in it. I know I didn’t know about FastTech until I visited VaporJoes.com. So in a way he passed a lot of votes FastTech’s way. They should be thankful to Joe and everyone that make it possible. And I’m sure there are a lot of people out there who agree with me.