Our readers and fans reported in on what they thought was the "best of" vaping in 2011. There are a lot of great juices, fair vendors, helpful forums, ...
A group of Utahns say they are being unfairly targeted by lawmakers. The Utah Vapors Association says e-cigarettes don't have any of the harmful effects ...
Stop Hawaii bills HB2557 and SB2819 from being signed into law! A new bill is trying to be passed to tax electronic cigarettes by 70%. Please help us fight ...
Vaping at the workplace does sound pretty nice, but do people actually do it? - Imagine a setting of an office type space and you're at your desk, then you ...
Let's find out how old the majority of vapers are. Choose which age group you're in.
CALL TO ACTION! Any vapers in Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana - there will be a public meeting tonight to discuss the smoking ban that includes ...
Imagine going to a website and being able to search vapers that stored their information in a big database. Imagine being able to find another vaper across the ...
Here are a handful of our top read vaper/vaping related articles in 2011 - in case you had missed them. We hope they were insightful, entertaining or at least ...
The ability of ones choice to decide, nicotine or no nicotine. You're faced with the unreasonable decision everyday once you've become its pawn of non-stop ...
(From WeAreVapers.com) We Are Vapers - A Documentary Film from Linc Williams on Vimeo. We Are Vapers A Documentary Film An Exploration ...
In GuideToVaping's latest Poll, we asked you the viewers, "How long you've been vaping?". We've known that the majority of our viewers and subscribers are new ...
Call to Action for Wisconsin RESIDENTS! LRB 1287/1 and 3573/1:AN ACT to renumber 101.123 (1) (h); and to create 101.123 (1) (h) 2m. of the statutes. This ...