Hands down the best investment I have ever made in my vaping experience over any mod, was my DIY Kit. It was also the one investment that caused me the most ...
Master Flavor List and Known Risks Bickford: www.bickfordflavors.com Capella: www.capellaflavordrops.com Faeries_Finest: www.faeriesfinest.com ...
If you're new to electronic cigarette and are unfamiliar with the normal going prices of todays electronic cigarette market, don't worry... we've got you ...
In this article we're going to explain into detail the truth behind vapor production and how to blow even more vapor. The vapor production we produce from ...
Part 1 & 2 of "Getting Started With The EGO Cartomizer Starter Kit" by Kennysmancave. Thanks to Kenny for creating and sharing the video. Also, ...
I check popular keywords on my website analytics very often and there is one searched group of words that I've seen numerous of times. The question many of you ...
When electronic cigarettes were introduced in the United States, there were only a couple options for buying refills for your new personal vaporizer. The two ...
To see more videos from Jrose971, please visit his Youtube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/jrose971 Thanks for the share Jrose!
When vaping, do you get that bad, no good, horrible taste? Well, if you do then you're not alone, trust me. When I first started vaping I was using the ...
Vegetable Glycerin, also known as VG. Vegetable Glycerol (or glycerin, glycerine) is a simple polyol compound. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid ...
Propylene glycol also known as PG. Propylene glycol, also called 1,2-propanediol or propane-1,2-diol, is an organic compound (a diol or double alcohol) with ...
There is one question that many people ask that are new to vaping electronic cigarettes and that is "Am I vaping too much?". Believe it or not, But I asked ...