Almost every device being released in 2016 has temperature control, but what does that really mean? Whether you're brand new to vaping or have done ...
Last week a new member of the GuideToVaping Facebook group asked us to explain the power versus airflow difference. As a new vaper when she had ...
As more and more vapers switch over to sub-ohm vaping systems, and many new vapers have never known anything else, we decided to put together a quick ...
It's time to get back to the basics with Vape Coils 101. Within the past year in the vaping world, the number of materials used for coils has grown, ...
What is the best website to buy your vape gear from? This question is as subjective as the people doing the asking and the telling. The search ...
In this addition to our beginner section, we're going to explain what mAh stands for, as it happens to be one of the most commonly asked questions ...
You've just purchased a new device and you've been told that it has adjustable wattage, but you're clueless and no-one has confirmed what happens ...
In this series of posts, we're going to be answering the questions that readers have been asking. Though we may not be able to give you the answer ...
Whether you call it a clearomizer or a vape tank, you should know the best ways to get the maximum life out of your investment. Here we have 5 ...
As vapers, we are always looking to change lives and bring smokers into our ever-growing ranks. We know for those looking to make the switch to vaping, the ...
If you are searching the internet for Electronic Cigarette Coupons you have fallen on the right page. Every gas station, convenience store and most retail ...
Can Vuse e-cigarettes help me quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes I smoke is a question I hear quite often. I will start off by telling you that ...