On the date of February 18th, GuideToVaping.com (Blake) had the privilege of attending The Atlanta Vape Meet. While this was my first meet, I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest, but I also wanted to bring the excitement back home with me to all of our viewers. I had such an awesome time meeting everyone and the time is priceless and unforgettable. My Wife and I purchased mods, accessories, won prizes and… I took a leak beside a vaper. (Inside joke for the random vaper that had to endure my bathroom convo.)
Other than that, I just wish it could have been longer. Until the next one, I leave you with this…
To those of you from ECF that put the Atlanta meet together, those who attended and supported, from me personally… Thank you!
[youtube id=”5OmceZg6vsk” width=”600″ height=”350″]
If you feel uncomfortable with any images or video of yourself displayed on this article and/or website, feel free to contact me and I will remove them.
More pictures provided by Chatter97 on ECF: https://picasaweb.google.com/112587353870717521124/2012VapeMeet
Awesome insight Blake! IMO the Atlanta vapers’ have something going here. Looked like it was a fun meet!
LOL, i don’t think i ever left the vape bar… ii definitely hit my nicotine limit that night. Whens the next one?
The committee is still recurperating from the buzz and excitement from things going so well. Our juice bar was incredible and it looked like everyone was enjoying it. We had 119 vapers attend and 8 vendors as well as VP on site. It was a crazy night. Thank you for being there.
I’m at a loss of words to describe how great of a time my wife and I had. The juice bar was the perfect setup, the people were all nice and not to let me forget, the prizes!!!! – Chatter97, thank you so much for helping make that meet a great time for us all.
I was very glad to see Guide To Vaping able to make it, have been following this site since it was put up!!! For more picts: https://picasaweb.google.com/112587353870717521124/2012VapeMeet
I’m glad to know you’ve been a viewer for so long, that’s awesome! Great pictures, thanks for the share!!