Although the long-term health effects of electronic cigarettes are unknown, a new survey finds people who use the devices think of them as a safer alternative ...
Significance Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, are devices designed to imitate regular cigarettes and deliver nicotine via inhalation ...
An indoor air quality study conducted by CHANGE, LLC at the Center for Air Resources Engineering and Science at Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY was ...
(From By Mehreen Khan - Aug 25, 2012 5:40 AM CT Electronic cigarettes used by smokers who want to kick the habit show no connection ...
(From Utah Vapors) In December 2011, the Utah Vapers began working closely with FlavourArt from Milan Italy to research the current studies on electronic ...
NVC contracted CHANGE ( to oversee the indoor air quality study that would show whether e-cigarette vapor may present a risk for ...
As you use your electronic cigarette daily, you see how quickly these devices became popular. You begin to wonder who else is using them and how many. Those ...
The Korea Electronic Cigarette Association (KECA) ordered a test on the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette versus the smoke of a cigarette. Here are the ...
Our readers and fans reported in on what they thought was the "best of" vaping in 2011. There are a lot of great juices, fair vendors, helpful forums, ...
Let's find out how old the majority of vapers are. Choose which age group you're in.
The ability of ones choice to decide, nicotine or no nicotine. You're faced with the unreasonable decision everyday once you've become its pawn of non-stop ...