If you've been a long-time reader of this blog, you've probably gotten a hint that I'm big on e-cig safety. If you're new here, I would like you to know that ...
To first give you a bit of history, electronic cigarettes were birthed with atomizers and cartomizers. Then came the idea to visibly see your e-liquid level ...
There is a difference between a mouth pull and a direct pull. Most e-cigarette users do mouth pulls, while typically the 'cloud chasers' (people who try to ...
It seems like we're always losing something. If it's not the controller or cell phone you've seemed to misplace, then it's your e-liquid bottle. Although I ...
On your journey through vaping or the initial start-up, you've reached times where things just wasn't going right and ultimately you were unsatisfied. Chances ...
The Internet has been a godsend for many people, allowing them to purchase directly from their home with one click. They're able to view product easily and ...
Those who look to vaping to get away from smoking often make the simple mistake of vaping wherever they go; treating their electronic cigarette like it's a ...
As you first start using electronic cigarettes, the first question that many people ponder is what is the best vape flavors. There is by no means a short in ...
Electronic Cigarettes have become a fantastic alternative for millions of people, and though the majority of them do use the stick style ecig (look-a-like), it ...
The Do's and Dont's of E-Cigarette Battery Storage and Care Originally written by: Volcano Ecigs E-cigarette batteries require proper storage and handling ...
Sometimes referred to as juice or eliquid, electronic cigarette e-liquid is the most purchased product in the vape market. When you purchase an electronic ...
For many of us electronic cigarette users, we already know multiple ways to get the best deals on e-cig products, but many don't. I'll introduce to you 5 ...