The mini electronic cigarette, look-a-like or better known as a stick style ecig is one of the most used types of electronic cigarettes. Not only does the mini ...
The difference between automatic and manual electronic cigarette batteries.
The first thing you should know about batteries are that the battery is the e-cig. Some batteries of course last longer than others but really it has a lot to ...
When you first receive your e-cig, it usually comes with a blank cartridge that has a type of wool filter inside of it. These blank cartridges are common to ...
Direct dripping is to drip your e-liquid directly onto the atomizer. By directly dripping your e-liquid onto the atomizer, your liquid doesn't get caught up ...
When you first start learning about e-cigs, it is a good idea to learn all of the most common abbreviations. Just like when you were first introduced to the ...
The atomizer is the heating element in an E-Cigarette that produces vapor. There are many kinds of atomizers available in today's market, like 510 atomizers, ...
You've heard about electronic cigarettes. Chances are you might have tried one in hopes to find a better alternative to smoking. Maybe you are just curious at ...
The stories that make ordinary people YouTube famous, pushing link filled articles and advertisements fueled by words of deliciousness... forget it all. This ...
In this video, Blake reminds you to keep up with the basic maintenance to prolong your PV's life and help you save money.
Note To Any New Users: Please do not get confused. Vaping is simply a battery, a heating element and some e-liquid to vaporize. Refer to this glossary as ...
As promised last time, I told you that I was going to walk you through a simple two flavor juice. First you will need to round-up your ingredients for this ...